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Evan's pov
I sat near Connor's hospital bed,I haven't left his side at all."Hey Ev."Jeremy said,"H-H-Hey J-Je-Jeremy."I said.he handed me water and sat next to me,"your stuttering a lot more than usual."he said.i held Connor's hand,"I-I-I'm j-ju-just so worried about him!"I said.i was crying again,"hey,hey,don't cry Evan."Jeremy said.

He patted my back,"the doctor said Connor's ok,he just needs to take medication to handle his depression problem."he reassured me.i sniffed,I didn't let go of Connor's hand."If you need me I'll be outside with dad and Heidi."Jeremy said,he walked out the room.i broke down crying,"C-Connor,p-please wake up...I ne-need you...."I said.

"E-End of may or e-early Ju-June,this picture perfect afternoon we share..."I sang,I wiped my tears."D-Drive the winding country road...."I continued to sing,I held his hand."G-Grab a scoop a-at A Lá Mode and then..."I kissed his cheek,"W-We're there...."I sang.i broke down crying again,I suddenly felt pressure on my hand.

I looked down and saw Connor holding my hand,I gasped."C-Connor?!"I said,he slowly opened his eyes."Ugh my head..."he muttered,I began to cry."C-Connor!you're ok!"I said as I hugged him,"Ow."he said."S-Sorry."I said,I kissed his cheek 6 times."I'm so sorry Ev."he said,I kissed him."I-Im just happy you're alive."I said,I kissed him again.

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