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Connor's pov
"Ok so I called some people to help you two practice coming out."Jeremy said,Evan held my hand.the doorbell rang,"that must be them!"Jeremy said.he walked out of the room,"A-Are you sure you wanna do this Con?"Evan asked."Im sure Ev,we've been keeping this a secret for 10 months!"i said,"y-you're right."he said.

"Hey guys,these are my friends:Jake and Rich!"Jeremy said."sup."the tall guy said,I'll assume that's Jake."Hi!"the short guy said,and I'll assume that's Rich."We're gonna help you guys practice coming out!"Jake said,Rich sat next to Evan."Coming our Can be a scary thing."Rich said,"Jake remember when we came out to your sister?"Rich asked Jake.

"Yep,it was terrifying."Jake said,"but once we told her she accepted us!the weight on our shoulders was finally gone."he said."now tell us:how long have you two been together?"Rich asked,"10 m-months."Evan said.Jake whistled,Rich scratched his chin."I know!we can pretend to be Evan's parents!cause you probably want to come out to them right?"he said,Evan and I nodded.

"Ok pretend we're Evan's parents."Jake said,"u-um Ok,u-uh m-mom?p-Paul?t-there's something Connor and I have to-to tell you..."Evan said,"What is it honey?"Rich asked in a high pitched voice."C-Connor an-and I a-Are....a-are..."Evan trailed off,he was shaking."Take a deep breath babe,it's ok."I said,I kissed his cheek.

"Ok so clearly Evan might panic if he's the one saying."Rich said,Evan buried his face in his hands."Don't worry,that's why we practiced."Jake said.

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