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Christine's pov
"I'm glad to see you two,we need to talk about Jeremy."i said to Evan and Connor,Connor had his arms crossed."I-I thought-"I cut Evan off,"it's ok Ev."i said.he nodded,he held Connor's hand."Look,I know how you guys feel.my dads were kind of in the same situation as you two in high school,but!you guys can fight through this,together!"i said,"She has a point."Connor said.

I smiled,"S-So w-wh-what d-do w-we do?"Evan asked.i took out a piece of paper out of my pocket,"as usual,I have a plan!"i said."you two should sign up for the school musical!it will get your mind of Jeremy,plus we needed a Bonnie and Clyde!"i explained."Huh,that's not a bad idea."Connor said,I smiled."W-Who's Bonnie and Clyde?"Evan asked,I gasped.

The next day...

Connor's pov
Evan and I got the parts for Bonnie and Clyde,of course I was playing Clyde.Evan was playing Bonnie,we walked into the auditorium for practice."Evan!Connor!you made it!congrats on getting the lead parts,you're gonna love this!"Christine said,"I hope so..."I mumbled."Evan can you come with me,we need to put on your costume to see if you'll fit."Christine asked,"U-Um,o-ok!"he said as she grabbed his hand.

A couple of hours later...

Connor's pov
I was already in my costume,I put my hair in a ponytail."Your Bonnie is ready!"Christine cheered,I looked up and blushed.Evan looked so elegant in his costume,"Woah..."I said."I-It looks w-weird I know..."he began to say,"damn Ev,you look hot!"I said.he blushed,Christine smiled.

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