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If you're wondering why I discontinued we're both fucked up its cause I didn't have any ideas for the chapters sooo,enjoy this instead

Evan's pov
"C-Connor it's t-time to-to take y-your p-pills."I said,he sighed."why do I need to take these?"he asked,"C-Cause Con,t-they're gonna h-help yo-you get better."i reminded him.he sighed again,"a-and b-be-besides,w-we have t-to g-ge-get a cage for Simon jr."i reminded him."oh shoot I forgot!"he said,he took his pills and put on his boots."thanks for reminding me Ev."he said,"N-No problem,I-I mean h-he's basically o-our son-"I stopped talking and blushed.

"U-Um I Mean..."he laughed,I looked up."it's ok Ev."he said,I blushed.he kissed my cheek,"now let's go."he whispered.i blushed and nodded,we were about to go but we were stopped by Jeremy and his friends.Connor flinched when he saw Jenna Rolan,I knew Connor didn't like Jenna so I panicked and grabbed his hand.

"G-Gotta blast!"i said as Connor and I ran out the door

Jeremy's pov
"So I heard that Dustin Kropp is with Madeline."Brooke said,"what?!"Chloe exclaimed.Michael,Jake,Rich,and I laughed.i opened the door and saw Connor and Evan,It looked like they were about to leave.Connor flinched,I was about to say something but Evan grabbed his hand and ran out the door with him.

"G-Gotta blast!"he said quickly,We were all confused.

Be More Hansen(rewritten){COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now