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Evan's pov
"You can stay here for as long as you want Connor dear."my mom said,"thanks mrs.Hansen."he said."Please dear,you can call me Heidi."she said,I held his hand.i led Connor upstairs,he placed his bag near my computer desk.he looked upset,I knew that he was trying to contain his emotions.

But the last time he did that he snapped and broke Kurt Kelly's arm."C-Connor..."I began to say,he hugged me.i was shocked,I could hear him crying.we sat on the floor,he continued to hug me.i hugged him back,"S-Shhh,I-it's ok Connor."I said.i looked at him,his eyes were red,not that kind of red.(hehehehe weed jokes)

I wiped his tears,I kissed his cheek.he buried his face in my chest,he sniffed."I don't know what I'd do without you Ev...."he said,I looked at him."I love you Ev."he said,"I-I love y-you too."I said.

2 hours later...

Jeremy's pov
I went to Evan's room and saw that Connor was resting his head on Evan's stomach,he was asleep.Evan was playing with Connor's hair a bit,he noticed me."H-Hey Jeremy."he whispered,"Hey."I whispered."Uh Heidi says Dinner's ready,do you want me to tell her to bring you guys dinner?"i whispered,he nodded.

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