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Michael's pov
"Places for act one people!"mr.Reyes shouted,I was helping out with stage crew."You two ready?"Christine said to her little sister and cousin,they nodded."Oh Michael!can you check on Evan and Connor?"she asked as she noticed me,"you got it!"I said.i ran to there dressing room,and of course I caught them making out.

"GUYS OH MY GOD!"I yelled,they jumped and saw me."shit."Connor mumbled,I sighed."the shows about to start,I see you two got the blood makeup on.I'll shut off the lights,you two need to run on stage and sit in the old car and look like you're dead."I explained to them,they nodded.

Soon the show started!

Evan's pov
I was so nervous,Connor always gives me reassuring looks,but I just feel like it's only a matter of time until my voice cracks.i had to sing "How bout a dance?"which means that I had to have my shirt open,Incase you didn't know I'm really self conscious about my body.i took a deep breath and began to sing,I quickly looked at Connor.

He had a huge smile on his face,then I had my shirt open and I continued to sing.i heard gasps and murmurs,I began to panic a bit but I continue to sing.i heard even more murmurs,"I feel like I'm gonna pass out,oh my god,oh my god."I was freaking out.i hit my high note,then the song ended.some people clapped,they didn't even know I was having a panic attack.

Connor lifted me up and carried me backstage,"Don't worry guys Eliza Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton volunteered to be your understudy's."Michael said to Connor."Thanks Michael."he said quickly to Michael,"shh,Shh,Ev it's ok."he said to me as he gently kissed my forehead.

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