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Guys I'm gonna take some requests,what should the next chapter be?like,should I make it intense?or just let it be fluffy...jk there will obviously be smut in this book

Jeremy's pov
I was hanging out with Michael,Jake,Rich,Brooke,Chloe,and Jenna."Where's Evan and Connor?"Jake asked,"they went to A Lá Mode and now they're probably at home watching Disney movies."I explained."Ohhhhh."Rich said,"anyways,what have you guys been up to?"I asked.

"I'm making makeup tutorials on YouTube."Chloe said,"I bought a lot of pink berry yesterday."Chloe said."Jake and I had sex behind Denny's."Rich said proudly,"TMI!"Michael yelled,"I found out Connor has depression."Jenna said,I nearly choked on my cheese fries.

"Jer are you ok?!"Michael asked worried,I nodded yes."How...did you find out?!"i managed to say,"my sister works as an intern at the hospital and she over heard doctors talking about Connor."she explained."Jenna listen to me."I began to say,"Connor is not what you think he is,sure he's sweet to Evan 24/7 but if people spread rumors about him and say it out loud he will loose it."I said.

"One time someone thought he died of a drug overdose in the park and he lost it and punched the kid,the kid ended up getting a broken nose."I said,"Jesus fucking christ..."Rich said."I know,that's what Evan told me."I said,"Why is Evan even with him?"Chloe asked.i shrugged,"doesn't Evan have anxiety?"Brooke asked.

"Yeah."I said,"that would kinda make them made for each other,I mean they are both fucked up in a way."Brooke said."Like Mickey and Ian from Shameless."Rich added,we all looked at him."What?i like that show ok?"he said.

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