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Evan's pov"I'm gonna kill him!"Connor said,"C-Connor c-calm down!"i said

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Evan's pov
"I'm gonna kill him!"Connor said,"C-Connor c-calm down!"i said."What's going on?"I heard Jeremy and Michael ask,I was holding Connor by his hoodie."J-JD s-said c-called me fat a-and Connor is now mad,e-even tho I said it's not that big of a deal."I explained,"IT IS A BIG DEAL!"Connor screamed."IT'S A HUGE DEAL!"he clenched his fists,"C-Connor look at me!"i said as I placed both of my hands on his cheeks.

I looked at him,our foreheads touched.he unclenched his fists and hugged me,"woah,how did you do that?"Michael asked."H-He gets like this sometimes."I said,"I-I found a way to calm him down."i said."that's cool!"Jeremy said,"Y-Yeah,b-but now I think he fell asleep."I said.

"C-Connor,C-Connor wake up."i said as I shook him lightly,"MARRY ME EVAN!"he yelled as he woke up.i blushed,he blushed too."Uh,Um..."he said,Jeremy and Michael were shocked."i uh,shit."he said,I laughed."C-Connor it's ok."I said,he laughed too.

At Evan's House...

Jeremy's pov
"So like,have you and Connor,done it?"I asked,Evan and I were in his room eating cake."U-Um..."he fidgeted with his fork,"you don't have to answer if you don't want to."i said.

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