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Evan's pov
Connor and I were rehearsing our lines for the Bonnie and Clyde musical with Christine in the auditorium,apparently:

Dustin Kropp is playing Clyde's brother

Veronica and JD were playing Clyde's parents

Angelica Schuyler is playing Bonnie's mom

Jared's playing as Bonnie's fiancé(who is also a police officer)

There were some other kids playing parts as town people and the police

Alana is playing Clyde's brother's wife

And I think that's it

Christine had her little brother and her cousin play young Bonnie and Clyde(with mr.Reyes permission and her dad's permission),"D-Damn it!D-Damn it!D-Damn it!"i read from my script highlighted in blue."Hey!Engine trouble?"Connor said in his best Texas accent,I tried not to giggle."E-Engine trouble,t-tire trouble,O-Oil trouble..."I noticed he was looking at me,I smiled.

"W-What?"I asked,pretending not to know that he was looking at me."Nothing it's just,you look so adorable and cute in that dress."he said,I blushed."A-And you look b-brave a-and handsome in that outfit."i said.he blushed,we both laughed."let's take a five minute break."he whispered as he placed our script on my computer desk,I blushed."Relax Ev,I won't ruin our costumes..."he whispered,I was blushing even more.

He began to kiss my neck,"w-we s-sh-should probably take our costume o-off."I stuttered.he smirked,"ok."he said.


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