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Connor's pov
"Let me get this straight:Jeremy is trying to break me and Evan up because he thinks I'm a bad influence?"i said to Christine and Michael,Evan held my hand."W-Why would h-he do t-th-this?"he asked,"I don't know,but we have to do something!"Christine said confidently.

"But what can we do?"Michael asked,we all looked at him."W-me?!"he exclaimed,"you're the only person who can."i said."P-Please Michael?"Evan asked,he sighed."fine,I'll try."he said,"yay!"Christine cheered.

Michael's pov
"So why are we at the park?"Jeremy asked,I sighed."Jer,this isn't easy to say but I've been talking with Christine and Connor and...you gotta stop trying to break up Evan and Connor."I said,he looked at me like I stabbed him in the back."But,But Michael!"he began to say,I put my finger on his lip."no Jer,you have to stop now or...."I pulled him closer to me,"I'm gonna make you unable to walk for weeks."I whispered.

"Now be a good boy and listen to daddy."I whispered,he shivered.





No ones pov
Michael and Jeremy ran to Michael's pt cruiser and drove away from the park.they parked in front of Michael's house and ran inside and into the basement,luckily Michael's mom and sisters Abi and Jasmine weren't home so they could be as loud as they want.Michael ripped off Jeremy shirt and began to leave hickeys all over his body,Jeremy tugged in Michael's hair a bit.

He placed Jeremy against the wall and threw off his jacket and shirt,"I'm gonna be so rough on you."Michael whispered to Jeremy,"Then be rough."Jeremy whispered back.Michael was shocked,then he smirked.he took off Jeremy's pants,he kissed Jeremy's clothed dick.Jeremy shivered,he wanted Michael inside him,Badly.

Jeremy's pov
He slapped my thigh and I let out a small whimper. He rubbed his hand on my thigh and leaned closer to my ear. "Color Jere?"


"You sure?"

"Y-yeah, you are doing good."

He pulled away with a small smirk. He sat down and pulled me into his lap. He angled me over his dick."no prep this time baby boy" I gulp and slowly sink down onto his dick. I moan out and cry in pain. I feel my eyes water a bit. He looked panicked.

"C-color Jere?"


He strokes a hand through my hair as I shake wildly in his lap. He holds me close and I rested my head on his shoulder."Sh, sh, sh, it's okay. Your doing amazing Jere. I love you so much." We spend about 14 minutes like this.

"You sure?"


He moves experimentally to see If I am still in pain. It doesn't hurt anymore. "You ready for your punishment slut?" Michael growled into my ear. I moan out a little in response. He slowly began thrusting into me and in seconds, he is pounding into me. I let out pleasured moans. He began to play with my nipple a bit by licking it. He slowed down his thrusts to a stop. I let out an annoyed whine.

"Shut up and get on your hands and knees."I pull off of him. I crawl onto my bed behind Michael. I hear Michael get behind me it is seconds before I feel him pounding into me. I let out a loud moan and say his name followed by a string of curse words.

"Oh fuck! Micha!"


"I-I am close!"

He reaches under me a began to pump my member in time with his thrusts. "I-I'm gonna-"

"Hold it, you aren't allowed to cum until I do."

I let out another annoyed whine and I feel a harsh slap on my ass.

"F-fuck! M-Michael I-I need t-"

"Hold it."

He growled. After what felt like eternity, I feel him thrust into my a bit harshly and he let's out a loud moan.

"M-michael c-can I-"

"Cum for me baby boy"

I release onto my sheets. He pulls out and I collapse onto my bed. He throws away the condom and falls down onto the bed. "F-fuck Micha, you were amazing... T-thank you..."

Soooo I might of taken that from a BOYF RIENDS smut one shot

Soooo I might of taken that from a BOYF RIENDS smut one shot

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