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Evan's pov
"O-Oh g-goodness gravy biscuit,w-where is Simon jr?!"I exclaimed,I was packing up everything I needed for college."right here babe."Connor said as he held up Simon jr's cage,I sighed."T-Thank goodness."I said,he kissed my cheek."relax baby,as long as we're together we'll be fine."he said.

We walked downstairs,mom was crying."Mom don't worry,Jeremy and I will visit!"i said,she wiped her tears."I know,it's just...it seems only yesterday when you were a kid who just couldn't seem to fit in..."she said,I hugged her."I'll miss you mom,I love you..."I said,she hugged me back.

At college!

Jeremy's pov
"Jeremy we made it!we're finally cool...in college!!"Michael exclaimed,I smiled.

Connor's pov
"Whoop!COLLEGE!"I heard Jared yell,I groaned.i hate him but he's Evan's friend so I can't do anything,how does Sabrina handle his 'bathbomb' ass?i opened our dorm room door for the first time,it wasn't that big but it was enough.

once we were done unpacking we followed Jared and Sabrina to the counselor to get our schedules,since we all didn't know what the f-hell we were doing."YAY!i get to learn Hungarian!"Evan said(anyone remember when Ben spoke Hungarian in cell block tango and he did that cute little "ah uh,not guilty")

Couple of months later...

Dear mom,
How are you?thinks are going really well in college,I've learned how to speak Hungarian!Jared and Sabrina work a a lush store near here,it's uh cool.Zoey and Alana are in the jazz band they have in college,Alana plays the sax now.Rich and Jake started off 2018 with one last old meme,Connor said it looked saddening.speaking of Connor,he got a tattoo on his left arm and put indigo streaks in his hair.i changed my outfit a bit,Jeremy and Michael still play video games.I miss you a lot,hope to see you at the graduation ceremony!

Sincerely,your son,

This chapter will just be emails to Heidi

Dear Mom,
College sucks,everything is so hard.but I always manage to pull through,thanks to Connor of course.he really likes our history class,he said if we had a son we'd name him Alex,after Alexander Hamilton.its his birthday and Connor wanted to celebrate it by going to his tombstone in Trinity Church and place a birthday on it.but someone beat him too it,he got mad but I calmed him down.we snuggled up in our dorm and watched season 20 of South Park,Don't worry,e covered my ears when they cursed.i don't take my pills anymore,I've stopped getting panic attacks.life is good,life is perfect.

Sincerely,your dearest son,

Dear mom,
Today is going to be a good day,and here's why.because today you just have to be yourself,and also be confident!


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