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Jeremy's pov
Today Michael and I were picking up Evan and Connor from the airport,"Micha is it really necessary to hold that sign?"I asked.he was holding a sign that said "treebros","Yes Jer,it is so necessary."he said.i sighed and rolled my eyes,"J-Jeremy!"I heard Evan say."E-"I cut myself off when I saw Evan,he had a tan!

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO STEP BROTHER?!"I yelled,"C-Connor d-didn't p-put a-any s-sunscreen o-on m-me o-on o-our l-last day I-in Hawaii."he explained.Michael began to laugh,Connor glared at him.Michael gulped,"well I love your tan hon."Connor said to Evan,Evan blushed.

"Awww!"Michael and I said,"come one love birds,we got a surprise for you."i said.they followed us to Michael's PT cruiser.

Connor's pov
I noticed we pasted by a lot of houses,"So what's the surprise?"I asked."That's the 17th time you've asked!"Michael said,"Well maybe I wouldn't be curious if you just fucking told me!"I yelled."C-Connor calm down."Evan said,he held my hand.

"We're here!"Jeremy said as Michael parked at near a house,"What is this?"I asked."You're new house!"Michael cheered,Evan gasped and squealed."L-Let's see i-inside!"he said as he held my arm,I smiled.I love this,I feel so happy.

The end!

There will be an epilogue!

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