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Connor's pov
"God I can't do this!"I said,Evan and I were in my room.We were gonna come out to my parents,"C-Connor calm down,t-t-take a deep breath."Evan said,he held my hands."L-Look at me."he said,I looked at his sky blue eyes."T-Think a-about how ca-calm my mom and s-step dad we-were when we came out."he said,he had a point.

"But-"he cut me off by kissing my cheek,"I-It's g-gonna be o-ok."he said."D-Do yo-you trust m-me?"he asked,I looked at him.i smiled a bit,"I do."I said."But I think I should prepare a bag Incase my dad kicks me out or something."I said,"I-I guess that's a good idea,l-let me-me help."he said.

We quickly packed my bag Incase my dad was gonna kick me out."R-Ready?"he asked,I took a deep breath."Yep."I said,we walked downstairs."Oh Connor!your father will be home soon,can you help me set the table?"my mom asked,"Mom,I actually wanted to talk to you....and dad."I said.

I was shaking a bit,Evan held my hand.once my dad came home we told them to sit down,"Mom...dad...I have been afraid to tell you guys this because...I didn't want to get sent away or get disowned."I began to say."Connor?"my mom said,my dad looked confused."Mom...dad....I'm...."I trailed off,tears began to form.

"I'm gay,and Evan is my boyfriend."I said,my mom gasped.my dad looked shocked,then he looked angry."And before you say anything dad i know exactly what you're gonna say and I'm ok with that."I said,"Ev,can you please go grab my bag?"I asked Evan.he nodded,he walked upstairs."Connor please don't go..."my mom said,"he's a faggot Cynthia!and I don't allow faggots in my house."my dad said.

Evan held my bag,"bye mom."I said."Where are you going?"she asked,"since dad's kicking me out I'm staying at Evan's house."I said."Connor please don't go,please."she said,I looked at Evan.he looked at me worried,I handed mom the house key and walked out the door with Evan.

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