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Connor's pov
It was lunch time,Evan did what we usually did.eat and talk about the future,I did what I normally did as well,feed Evan."s-so,I-I was t-th-thinking that we s-should l-live I-in the city!"he said,I fed him a grape."that's sounds like a good idea,but what kind of jobs would we get?"I asked,Evan swallowed his food."W-Well,I-I could sell my drawings a-and you could perform the songs you've written at Feinstein's 54 below!"he said,I smiled.

I kissed his forehead,"that's a great idea Ev."I said.he smiled,Evan's smile was unique.sometimes you could see his freckles,"fags!"Evan flinched.i turned and saw Thomas Jefferson,I stood up."What the fuck did you say?!"I growled,i clenched my hands into fists."C-Connor j-just ignore him,p-please."Evan said as he held my arm,"you better listen to your slut."Thomas said.i widened my eyes,Evan did too.

He began to cry,I angrily looked at Thomas."YOU BITCH!"I yelled,I began to punch Thomas."guys stop!"Christine said,"Evan stop him!"Jeremy said."Jer he can't!why should he?he was just called a slut!"Michael said,I continue to punch Thomas until he ripped a piece of my hair off.he then began to punch me,Evan was shaking."C-C-C-C-CONNOR!"was the last thing I heard before I passed out...

Evan's pov
"Weak."Thomas said once he stopped punching Connor,his face was covered in blood."C-C-C-Connor!"I screamed as I ran up to him,I slid to unconscious body.Jake began to beat Thomas,Michael ran to get the nurse,and Christine stayed by me.i held Connor's unconscious body,I cried.

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