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Evan's pov
As Connor and I boarded the plane and sat down I noticed I had the window seat,I gulped.Connor must of noticed that I was nervous,he held my hand."Hey...it's ok Ev,I'm right here."he said,I smiled.he kissed my knuckle,then we buckled ourselves in.our screens turned on to show a quick video of how to use the airbags and what to do Incase the plane crashes.

Then the screen was normal,Connor was looking for good shows to watch and I was looking for some calm and relaxing songs.then I felt the plane move,we were taking off.i held Connor's hand,"calm down Evan,Connor's right next to you.your Ok,just listen to the music"I thought.

I closed my eyes slowly and listened to the music,I fell asleep on Connor's shoulder.

Connor's pov
I was watching my favorite show Shameless(I also love that show)when I suddenly felt Evan's head on my shoulder,I smiled and took a a pic of us."I'm definitely making this as my new wallpaper..."I though as I watched Frank get beat up.

I chuckled quietly when Debbie fought that girl,I decided to find some music to listen to.once I did I slowly closed my eyes,then fell asleep.

A couple of hours later

Connor's pov
"So Frank is their dad...."I was explaining Shameless to Evan,"really?i thought it was their uncle."he said."I thought so too,anyways Fiona is their sister and has to take care of them."i said,"what about Liam?"Evan asked.

"He's also related to them."I said,Evan was surprised."I know,I was shocked too."I said,i then saw stewardesses coming around with breakfast.Evan and I opened our tables,once they handed us breakfast we began to eat.

Once we were done they came around to take the trash,the seat belt buckle button lit up."Evan,I gotta go to the bathroom."i said,he widened his eyes."Don't worry,nothing will happen..."I said,"promise?"he said.i kissed him,"promise."i said.

Evan's pov
Connor kissed me,"promise."he said.he then went to the bathroom,"Ok Evan,call down...just watch Shameless..."I thought.i took a deep breath,I listened to the show.then I saw Connor was back,he buckled himself back in.i locked arms with him,"told ya I'd be back."he said.

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