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WEEKS PASSED AS THE DUO SEARCHED HIGH AND LOW for any leads or some sort of book about their untold story. On their journey, Hayley had explained the little detail she knew about the similar birthmark she has to Cora and it led to the connection of being a werewolf. With Hayley's story it makes sense how she knew about her wolf gene from a boat accident, but with Cora it was even more confusing. The Salvatore has lived for over a hundred years and killed more than a dozen of people in her lifetime; not once did she trigger her wolf gene. Which is the reason why she is on the road with Hayley.

Back in Mystic Falls the Salvatore brothers had been busy with Elena, but their worry only grew each day they never heard from their sister. Damon was less worried about Elena and more about his little sister, hoping she's okay and hoping she is alive. He has asked Jade plenty of times if he knew where she was but she had no clue. All he can really do is hope and pray that she's safe. As for Stefan, it felt as if this piece of him was missing once Cora was found announced missing and he felt guilty. Guilty he put her safety into the hands of a man he hardly knew and now she's gone. The brothers are a mess without their Cora and there's no one who can ever fill the void.

Cora and Hayley walk along the streets of New Orleans, heading into the bar called Rousseau's. They take a seat at a largely deserted bar, Cora gladly ordering her usual dish that she orders when they go to the bar. Hayley playfully rolls her eyes at her friend and slightly chuckles. The bartender smiles at the girls and walks on over.

"Third time in here this week, ladies," the bartender chuckles.

"I'm obsessed with the gumbo, Jane-Anne," Cora smiles and puts a piece of hair behind her ear.

"She's serious. As we were walking down here, she couldn't stop talking about how she was hungry and wanted the gumbo," Hayley teases the Salvatore and Cora playfully slaps her arm.

"You know, ladies in the 9th ward say my sister, Sophie, bleeds a piece of her soul into every dish," Jane-Anne glances across the room at her sister, who's working in the kitchen on the other side of the restaurant.

"I asked around the Quarter about my family," Hayley trails off and Cora stirs her dish.

"And?" Jane-Anne waits for her to continue.

"Nothing. Zero. We can't find a single person who remembers them," Hayley looks at Cora then back at Jane-Anne.

"Because, Hayley, people like you were run out of here years ago," Jane-Anne says lowly, glancing between Hayley and Cora.

"What do you mean, people like us?" Cora asks.

Jane-Anne walks around the bar to the other side where the two girls sat to stand beside them. Standing at the kitchen, Sophie watches her sister intently. The bartender sets up a map for the girls to see and stands in between them.

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