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"It has been said that all love begins and ends with she who gave us life."

Klaus drives down the road with Mary in the passenger seat and Hayley in the back, listening to what he has to say with, of course, making it seem more dramatic. While the other hybrid zones his voice out, Mary listens to his every word since she knows he needs someone to listen.

"A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters. Yet, still, she claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah, tormented by long-buried, shameful secrets. Kol, the wily troublemaker, out for no one but himself. Finn, the devoted acolyte, his love all too easily walked by our mother's sick hate. Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she may one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child. My mother's greatest shame," Klaus says nonchalantly, not so bothered by this. He pulls up into the driveway of the safe house.

"Now, finally, we have defeated her, giving her the choice she never thought to give us—to live on as one of the monster's she created..." Klaus and the girls depart from the vehicle.

"...Or, suffer the slow, agonizing death she so deserves."

"Um, congratulations, I guess? But, right now, I'm a little more worried about Finn... considering I kind of sort of, jumped him out of anger," Mary says uneasily and he looks at her.

"He won't find you here. This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on! There's someone I want you to both meet," Klaus slightly smiles at the girls and they walk toward the house while Klaus continues talking.

"I'd like to introduce you to the newest members of our family. The little troublemakers all the fuss has been about."

The door opens, and Cora walk out onto the porch with Hope in her arms and Melody in Victor's. Klaus smiles up at his children and looks at the girls who are doting on the twins.

"Marian, Hayley, this is Melody and Hope."

Mary steps onto the porch looking at her brother who she missed dearly and gives him a tight hug, but not too tight considering he is holding a small child. Hayley joins them on the porch and holds Hope's small hand, letting her grab her finger and coos at her. The girls admire the girls's presence and Cora smile wide at their reaction.

"Oh, they're perfect!" Mary exclaims.

The parents smile and look each other, but quickly break the stare since it is awkward between the two.
Everyone then goes inside, Cora and Victor going to the girls's room while the others brainstorm over their next move.

"Now that we've entombed our mother, I intend to finish making the city safe for Melody and Hope. Which, to start, means dealing with the lingering problem of Finn," Klaus takes a seat on the arm chair and Mary sighs.

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