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IT IS NOW NIGHTTIME, Mary and the girls are speeding down the road in the SUV. In the backseat both Hope and Melody cry, and Mary turns back to comfort her, but in a panic.

"It's okay, love bugs. I just need to find a pay phone."

Mary finally finds a run-down auto garage and pulls into the deserted place. Sitting inside of the payphone box is a woman with blood all over her clothes. Mary looks at her suspiciously, but continues to take the girls out so they can stay by her side at all times. As she gets a better look at the woman, she sees that it's Hayley and she rushes over.

"Oh, my god, Hayley!" Mary rushes over to the woman looking helpless since she's carrying her two nieces and she gets frustrated.

"Damn it!" Hope starts to cry louder while Melody calms down a bit, but Mary remains frustrated. "Oh, I'm sorry, girls! You're both being so brave, the least I can do is watch my—"

Mary cuts herself off when she hears a metallic noise nearby and freezes in place. She gulps nervously before raising her voice to call out to whoever is lurking nearby.

"Whoever's out there, you don't want to mess with me! I'm much stronger than you think!"

The heretic's eyes turn into a dark red along with veins popping out from under them. She feels someone else's presence and quickly turns around seeing it's Elijah, whose clothes are burnt in places and whose body is covered in ash.

"Actually, Marian, that's probably not necessary." Elijah speaks out to the woman who was willing to vamp-out in order to protect her nieces.

"Help her," Mary nods towards Hayley.

Without any hesitation, Elijah runs to her side and helps the poor girl up off the ground. Mary scopes out the area to make sure there is no one lurking and she gets the girls into the car.

"What the hell happened back there?" Hayley manages to get out and groans as she holds onto Elijah with splinters stuck in her abdomen.

"That's a discussion for the car."

Elijah checks to make sure no one is watching them as they get into the car before circling around to the driver's seat. "Let's move."

The tribrid mother is in her bedroom, quickly packing up a bag of clothes as she is desperately wants to find her children. Klaus walks into her room and sighs at the state she's in.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Cora doesn't even look at him, she just continues packing her bag. "Elijah said they're on the road. So, I'm going to go to them and get my daughters"

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