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NOW THAT THE WEDDING WAS SET, it was time to discuss pack business with the new Alphas Cora and Jason. Although the two may be new to this position, they know what they need to do in order to protect the twins, especially Melody considering she is the first born child of Klaus Mikaelson who is being supposedly hunted.

"It's time to use our werewolf army. Finn and the woman who calls herself my sister are in this city," Klaus looks to the newly married couple. "The wolves can help us pinpoint their location."

"No, we need all hands on deck here with Melody and Hope." Just as the Alpha says so, Klaus widens his eyes in annoyance. "I think you can compel humans to track your enemies."

"Do my ears deceive me? Or did you just give me an order? In my own home?" Klaus spats at the wolf.

"This isn't about your ego, Klaus! It's about what's best for those little girls."

"How dare you question my intentions for my daughters!" Klaus grows angry and Cora stops the two reluctantly.

"Jase, Klaus is right," Cora looks to her husband and sighs. "Finn's body disappeared from the morgue, which means that he's either powerful enough to heal from that explosion, or Freya's powerful enough to save him. Either way, we're not finding them unless we... send our best people out there."

As Jason sighs in frustration, Klaus smirks at the husband since Cora had agreed with him. "I'm sure you and all your merry men will find them post haste."

Jason stands to his feet and stares Klaus in the eye. "Just to be clear, I'm giving this order because Cora is asking." Klaus squints his eyes and opens his mouth to say something, but is quickly cut off. "Don't think for one second that I take orders from you."

Without saying anything else to the hybrid, Jason walks out of the room and Cora closes her eyes letting out a sigh. She stands up and walks closer to Klaus not meeting his eye.

"Please, don't provoke him. You're not so likable at the moment," Cora states and the corner of Klaus's lips lift into his famous crooked smile.

To tease the tribrid a bit, Klaus places a hand on her upper arm which causes her to tense. He gives it a tight squeeze and walks past her, knowing it left her speechless. Cora watches him leave and she sighs in irritation, hating the slight control he still has over her.


"So, what are we now? Errand boys?" Aiden asks the new Alpha he stands beside.

Things are different within the pack since they are used to Jackson making orders, but now Jason has took that position. It's possible for him to take it back, but he would much rather keep his cousin and friend as Alphas.

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