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IN ONE OF THE MANY PARKS OF ARKANSAS is filled with children and their parents enjoying their time in the beautiful, warm day. Smiles and laughs fill the playground along with the small giggles of the Mikaelson twins. Rebekah gently pushes Melody in a swing meant for a small child like her and the blonde vampire smiles happily at the baby girl. Walking towards the two girls after changing a diaper is Victor holding a happy Hope. The two adults smile at each other as they are and always have been happy with taking care of their nieces. Of course, they needed to cover up who and what they truly are, and by that is playing as a new couple with their children although they are not theirs.

Victor takes a seat on a swing holding Hope close while Rebekah continues to push Melody. The others who littered the playground depart from the area, the Mikaelson sister turns around at the sound of a bird chirping to see it's a startling. She does not take the animal as a threat and turns back to Melody. Victor slowly stands as he notices a flock of starlings perch on the playground set staring at the couple and children.

The two quickly pack up their things and rush to the car holding the twins close. Rebekah hands Victor the diaper bag and pulls out her phone frantically, dialing her noble brother's number who immediately picks up.

"It's me. We have the babies, and we're on the run. Esther found us," Rebekah manages to get out. "We're safe, for now—I've lost her bloody starlings, but I have no idea where to go."

"Tell her to head west. I'll call Cora." Klaus instructs as he's able to hear her.

"Do not tell Cora!" Rebekah quickly says as she helps Victor buckle the girls into their car seats. "Esther's too smart for that. The only advantage that we have is that she thinks the baby died. Text me the plans."

Elijah hangs up the phone and gets ready to leave. "Go. I'll take care of Kol and Finn."

"Splendid. And, in your hands, I assume they'll be dead by nightfall," Klaus says in an annoyed manner.

"I will show restraint. Melody and Hope need their father," Elijah states but Klaus shakes his head.

"What they need—what we need—are allies to help us defeat our mother." Klaus corrects himself. "Finn and Kol must be turned to our side. Without their help, there will be nowhere left for Melody and Hope to run."

"Niklaus, your child—"

"I have waited months to see my daughters." Klaus stops speaking for a moment and gulps anxiously, clearly unhappy with this plan. "I can wait one more day."

Elijah looks at him sympathetically before he gets ready to leave once again until he's stopped by his brother. "Elijah. Do whatever it takes to keep those girls safe."

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