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TIME HAS PASSED BY SINCE THE DEPARTURE FROM THE COMPOUND. Cora waited however long it took for the full moon to come once again so she can be reunited with her family, her father. The Labonair siblings made sure to watch the pregnant wolf who's stomach had only grown even more. During this time it only allowed Jason and Cora to grow close, make each other happy, feel safe in each other's presence and to fall for each other like once before. Hayley had only allowed Jade and Ricky to come visit her friend since they were the only two who bothered to check on their friend.

Which only means part of her Keeling family hardly thought about the girl. Victor remained alongside of Diego, not wanting to leave his friend. He refuses to step foot onto Wolf country just to see Cora and he would have no remorse if the crescent pack failed to protect his sister. Viviana stayed inside of the Quarter standing alongside Genevieve who became the new leader of the French Quarter witches. Mary helped sneak Susie out to see her beloved Ricky and as well visited the Bayou as much as they could without making their presence known.

Staying in the compound, Klaus would visit the Salvatore's room only to be disappointed when he does not see her lying down on her bed or looking out the balcony at the city. He began to believe he had lost her forever and he retorted to keeping himself distracted by keeping Genevieve very close. Mary knew of his nights with the witch and grew irritated of his loyalty towards Cora diminishing each day and each night. She only asks herself, is their love too far gone?

The wolves who are no longer cursed enjoy their freedom by wrestling like once before, creating music, talking and laughing, having fun. Cora smiles as the wolves got used to Jason being different from them and finally accepting him as one of them regardless if he's half vampire half wolf.

He finishes wrestling one of the wolves and chuckles, looking over to see Cora standing off to the side. Jason gives her a crooked smile and she shyly smiles, walking inside to see some people setting up the table for dinner including her father. Cora grabs a few plates, dropping one of them, but before it can hit the ground Sebastian catches it on time.

"Woah, there. Don't push yourself, sweetheart," Sebastian sets the plate down on the table and Cora giggles.

"It's kinda hard to move around when you have two human beings growing inside your stomach," Cora sets down the plates she had in hand and looks at her stomach.

"Don't worry, the little pups will come out eventually," Sebastian smiles. Cora reciprocated the gesture and Hayley walks inside with Jackson, helping finish set up the table.

"You two gotta try Tucker's ribs," Jackson tells the girls as they finished setting the table.

"Then, what? Then we're gonna go play horseshoes?" Hayley asks and Cora hits her arm.

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