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THE PREGNANT GIRL LIES IN THE BED SLEEPING PEACEFULLY as the day before drained her after realizing some things. Cora hated being in the middle of this vampire drama and she knew there was one way of squashing the problems, but deep down she couldn't do it. For over a hundred years the girl dreamed of having children of her own, loved by a man she is married to, experience the joy of having a happy family with her brothers. Not once did she expect carrying the infamous Klaus Mikaelson's child: a man who has thousands of enemies lined up wanting vengeance.

Klaus enters Cora's room, seeing her sleeping peacefully buried in the comforter and he slightly smiles watching her for a moment. He glances down at the feet of the bed where her bag was placed. He reaches into her bag, withdrawing from it a vial of wolfsbane. To check if it were true that she bought poison, he opens it lifting it to his nose to smell and Cora slowly sits up as she notices him.

"I didn't use it," Cora adjusts herself in the bed and she looks at him.

"You're awake," Klaus lowers the vial from his nose and looks at her.

"I could barely sleep all night. This house is like a swamp sauna," Cora lets out a soft chuckle and she shakes her head. Klaus turns away from the bed and looks out of the window, asking.

"What stopped you? You could have been free of all of this...of me," Klaus looks down at his hands and Cora slowly stands up.

"Well when I was fighting off those vampires, I—I realized I wasn't just protecting myself," Cora plays with her fingers and takes a seat at the foot of the bed. "All I know is push came to shove, and...I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it."

"I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. We're both castoffs who have learned to fight when we're backed into a corner," Klaus glances over his shoulder.

"Well, we're backed into a corner now," Cora slightly shrugs and he turns around fully.

"Ah, that we are. It's time to fight...little wolf," Klaus softly places a hand on her shoulder.

Not wanting him to let go, Cora holds his hand there and rest her head atop of their hands. The hybrid's lips form into a small smile and he lets his hand drop, getting ready to leave until Cora stops him.

"This whole thing with Marcel—the deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what's his—I over heard Rebekah telling Hayley that you two once loved each other like family. What happened," Cora grows curious and Klaus stops, looking at her.

"I made Marcel everything that he is. I treated him like a son. And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed—we each mourned him, in our own way. Yet, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived," Klaus states and Cora notices the hint of envious towards Marcel as he speaks of him.

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