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THE FOUNDED MIKAELSON SISTER REBEKAH stands in one of the upstairs lounges, looking at a painted portrait of her in her original body that was seemingly created centuries earlier which hangs on the wall. She glances over her shoulder to see Klaus join her and she sighs.

"That is just not my chin, Nik. It was much more delicate," Rebekah pouts.

"The only delicate thing about you, sister, is your ego."

Rebekah turns to face him with a sarcastic smirk on her face. "Well, placed next to the behemoth size of yours, certainly!"

They both laugh good-naturedly, until Elijah interrupts his two siblings through the phone. "Could we dispense with this fascinating dispute for just a moment and return to the subject of our supposed long-lost sister?"

"There's not much to discuss, Elijah," Rebekah sighs. "She said she was Freya, and then she darted off into the night."

"And you believed her?"

"Well, I met the girl in a mystical loony-bin—she could be anyone telling any lie. But, she did seem... familiar, somehow," Rebekah thinks for a moment.

"Then how is she still alive?" Klaus asks and instantly rolls his eyes, turning around. "A question, as ridiculous as its possible solutions, given this family's annoying predilection for cheating death."

"I dunno, Nik, I'm just telling you what she said," Rebekah shrugs and Klaus turns back around to face her.

"Well, did you happen to ask, if by some similar miracle, our aunt Dahlia lives as well?"

"I barely had a chance to process—" Rebekah tries to explain, but is quickly interrupted by her brother.

"—Because on the list of obvious questions, it would be nice to know if the woman who placed a curse on the first-borns of this family is still breathing air," Klaus shouts which Rebekah replies with the same tone.

"Well, let me just turn back time and do it again to your liking, then!"

"Enough! Both of you," Elijah stops his siblings before the bickering gets out of hand. "If she is who she says, we'll find out soon enough. For now, it remains imperative that no one learns of Melody and Hope's existence. This has been our salvation thus far."

"Unless Cora's husband-to-be starts flapping his gums," Klaus rolls his eyes at the thought of the wolf. "Perhaps I should take preventative measures and separate him from his head?"

"Jason will do nothing to jeopardize that wedding," Elijah states and Rebekah gives the hybrid a weird look.

"Cora's getting married?!" By the look on her brother's face—jealousy and hurt—Rebekah knew it was true.

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