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ELIJAH WALKS INSIDE THE HOME WITH MARY FOLLOWING behind as they both finished doing some business. The witch stops in her tracks seeing a puddle of blood on the floor of the courtyard, Elijah stopping to see the same thing. Worrying that there may be a possible threat in their home, Elijah motions for Mary to stay put and he inches closer to see a trail of paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints. Mary sighs knowing the one person who would do this other than Klaus and she gives the Original a look.

The prints lead to a dead woman's body, which is propped up against the fountain. Elijah and Mary follows another trail of footprints to the bathroom, where Cora is taking a bubble bath. Another body is propped up against the wall next to the tub and Mary sighs in annoyance.

"Come to check up on me?" Cora doesn't bother to look at the two.

"You've had an eventful evening," Elijah looks around at the blood and dead body.

"Today just wasn't my day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches," Cora smiles sarcastically.

"How fun. Want your janitors to clean up your leftovers?" Mary crosses her arms.

The tribrid rolls her eyes and stands up from the tub, not having a care who's inside the bathroom with her. Before anything is revealed, Mary covers her eyes quickly and her lips form into a thin line, frustrated with her sister while Elijah doesn't seem at all pleased. He reaches for a towel and holds it out for Cora.

"Oh, don't judge, Elijah," Cora notices his facial expression and wraps the towel around her body. "What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done."

"I would hope that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus," Elijah says exasperated.

"I'm a full tribrid now, and I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. And the witches who tried to kill my babies don't share the same coven as I do meaning they are worth nothing more than food," Cora shakes her head and Mary uncovers her eyes, giving her a look. The tribrid shrugs at the girl and scoots past them. "Excuse me."

Elijah doesn't move from where he stands while Mary takes a step to the side, watching the ripper walk away. The Original reads the witch's face and sighs, noticing the anger is visible as they now know Klaus is no help to Cora's ripper side. She turns around and marches out of the bathroom to search for the hybrid. Elijah attempts to calm her rage, but she's annoyed that he's just calling for hell to rise. She finds him in the dining room, sitting at the head of the table reading a book and she slams her hands on top of the wood.

"You took her on a witch hunt? Are you drunk or idiotic?"

"I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oak stake for me. When they proved unable to do so, I let Cora have her fun." Klaus merely glances up from his book. "And I advise you to watch your tongue, little witch."

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