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WITH WHAT HAPPENED TO A FELLOW WITCH, the death of Davina Claire put a toll on her best friend and even the pregnant wolf. Cora wanted to do something for the girl knowing she meant something to Marcel and the fact that she was so young. But her plan to save the young witch ultimately failed and now she's gone.

Cora hears Klaus talk among the vampires about pardoning Thierry's crimes. She walks out onto the balcony, watching as the vampires around Thierry cheer that their comrade has returned and they give him hugs or pats on the back. Once the vampires are offered a rousting in the cauldron, they all make their exit and leaving only one vampire sitting alone. Cora scrunches her eyes, noticing it's Ricky and she makes her way down the stairs to a now empty courtyard and stands before him.

"Mind if I join you?"

Ricky looks up at her and he slightly shakes his head. He kindly pulls out a chair for her and Cora slightly smiles, thanking him and taking a seat.

"You didn't go out with the rest of them, why?" Cora looks at him questioningly and Ricky slightly shrugs.

"Guess being around witches give me unwanted reminders of an old friend," Ricky mumbles in attempt at not letting his voice crack. Cora sadly sighs and faces him more.

"No matter what if she's not here with you right now, she will always be with you. No person is truly alone. Davina will still be within your thoughts and your heart," Cora looks up at the young vampire who has his full attention on her.

"You talk as if you've experienced something like this," Ricky says and Cora slightly shrugs.

"I've lived for 150 plus years. I've endured a lot of pain and grieved for those who I cared for," Cora sadly smiles at the thought and focuses back on Ricky. "What was Davina to you?"

"Well, she was like a little sister and my best friend. We both felt as if we never fit in until Marcel brought us together. It was like we met our long lost sibling and we just clicked," Ricky smiles at the memory of the first time they met each other.

"If you don't mind me asking, is Marcel your biological father?"

"No. He found me here in New Orleans on the streets with no family. He treated me as if I was his own and it was something I've always wanted and now I have. Now I'm a vampire, which I chose to be myself, and I've grown to calling him my father," Ricky explains and Cora slightly nods.

She wished to have something he has—a loving father who would protect his children from the evil that lurks in the shadows. Unfortunately Cora has no idea who her real father is and wished she did so she can ask why did he leave her with the bad man that goes by the name Giuseppe.

"Why do you even stay? I mean, does Klaus really care about your children or even you?" Ricky asks with curiosity. Cora stares at the Salvatore ring she wore thinking to herself why she remains in New Orleans.

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