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CORA WALKS OUT OF THE SHACK WITH HER CARDIGAN ON, hugging the fabric close due to the cold breeze and she holds the cup of tea close as well. She looks up to see a large group of werewolves standing around talking amongst each other as if they were waiting for her to walk out. Cora looks at them questioningly taking a sip of her tea and Hayley stands next to her along with Eve.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hayley looks at her friend.

"These people, they're all just standing around like zombies or something," Cora whispers and Eve shakes her head.

"These people came to see your children," Eve quietly chuckles and looks at the wolf.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Seriously, what is going on? Who are all these people? Why are they standing out here all weird and lurk-y?"

"They've come from all over. All the packs," Eve explains.

"Why? To see babies that aren't even born yet?" Cora sips her tea.

"Forget the baby. These freaks, they come here to see you. You know, given the place your dad held in pack hierarchy, maybe they think you're gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something," Oliver walks out of the shack and looks at the pregnant wolf.

"Great. No pressure or anything," Cora sighs and glances over at her father who talks to one of the wolves.

The Salvatore never knew she was wolf royalty. Hayley had explained to her that her family, the Landry family, and the Labonair family, which is Hayley's family, are supposed to be the ones to bring all the packs together. Cora, Sebastian, and Jackson are the only Landrys that are alive while Hayley and Jason are the only Labonairs. During the family reunion back at the plantation house, Jackson explained that each of them are meant for one another that will make their pack the strongest they can be. With Jason being a hybrid, who knows what kind of power and strength the pack will inherit.

A woman walks over to retrieve her cup and Cora awkwardly hands it over, not used to anyone waiting for her. She glances over to see her father finished getting some wolves sorted out and she walks over walking past the wolves who bowed their head to her.

"Hey, dad," Cora softly says, catching his attention and he smiles.

"Hi, sweetheart. What's wrong?" Sebastian looks at her and she shakes her head.

"Nothing. I just want to spend some time with you, that's if you're not busy," Cora plays with her fingers and he shakes his head.

"No, of course we can. Come on."

The father and daughter walk with each other away from the wolves so that they can keep to themselves and have father-daughter time. Cora slowly sits down on a log with the help of her father and they both chuckle as she now needs more help maneuvering around considering she's carrying two babies, not just one.

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