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SITTING INSIDE THE NURSERY OF THE BABIES ROOM, Cora sat on the rocking chair in comfortable clothes getting ready to write a letter. Klaus enters the room and she looks up alarmed, but calms down once she notices it's just Nik.

"Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors? So, who's the lucky recipient, then? Jason? Or, Victor?" Klaus questions and Cora makes a disgusted face once he mentions Victor.

"Oh, my. No, never," Cora shakes her head. Klaus slightly smiles and dramatically gasps.

"Don't tell me it's me?" Cora giggles at his assumption, although no doubt she would write something for him. "I thought I was out of the running ages ago!"

"And the award for "Biggest Ego" goes to..." Cora gestures to him and they both chuckle.

She feels a small kick on her right side and she slightly groans from surprise. Klaus walks further inside the room, looking at her concerned but knows the children are not doing much harm to her.

"How is our littlest wolves?" Klaus's eyes move to her stomach and Cora slightly smiles up at him.

"Do you want to.."

Cora places a hand on her pregnant belly. The hybrid steps back nervously, but Cora holds out her hand for his.

"Come on," the wolf smiles at him.

The hybrid slowly takes her hand and Cora pulls him closer to her, and Klaus kneels in front of her. She moves his hand to be placed on top of her stomach and he softly rubs his thumb over it. He's startled by one of the babies kicking on the left and Cora smiles wide at his reaction.

"You feel that?"

Klaus slowly nods, amazed at the connection that was made. Cora doesn't keep her eyes off of the hybrid and she moves her hand to his cheek. He looks up at his baby momma, loving the feeling of her soft touches. He takes her hand into his and places a soft kiss on the back of her hand which cause the small smile to grow into a wide smile. They sit like that for a moment until Klaus clears his throat and stands up letting go of her hand.

"Right. I'll leave you to your secret letter, then," Klaus turns away and walks out of the room.

Cora watches him walk out and she smiles at the thought of the hybrid becoming soft for their children. She picks her pen back up and looks at her letter, thinking of what to say to her little girls.

"Dear Emma and Kaitlyn....or Mackenzie and Zoe. To my little girls. Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is," Cora smiles back to their moment and continues writing.

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