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THE PREGNANT WOLF SLEEPS PEACEFULLY THROUGH THE NIGHT, although a feeling of excitement bursts through her. Now that she feels this way, the sleepiness from her eyes go away and she sits up, glancing to her side to see Jade sleeping right next to her with a book in hand. The vampire insisted on having a little sleepover as a sorry for the outburst from her boyfriend and the fact that she missed the time they spent together.

Cora smiles at her friend and covers her up with the blanket then getting out of bed now that she is fully awake. She puts on a sweater as it is the early morning where the sun is still down and it is cold out. The wolf walks out of her room and to the living room, seeing Klaus sitting on the couch while guiding his pencil around his sketch pad. Klaus feels her presence and glances up, slightly smiling at her.

"You're up quite early, my love," Klaus says and Cora smiles shyly and hugs herself, walking further inside.

"Well, just couldn't get any sleep. It's getting uncomfortable to lay down nowadays," Cora takes a seat next to him, keeping her feet up on the couch. She places a hand on her stomach. "But the pain is worth it."

Klaus slightly opens his mouth to say something but unable to find the words to say. He glances down at her stomach, listening closely like he once did in the cemetery and hears the heartbeats of his children. Cora notices what he's focused on and she grabs his hand, placing it onto her stomach. Klaus tenses at her touch but slowly eases into it, softly rubbing his thumb over her pregnant belly.

"This is what you've dreamed of, isn't it? Being able to carry a child, let alone two," Klaus smiles, remembering her dreams and wishes but it soon fades away. "But I'm sure you dreamed to have children with another."

"Though that may have been true, but I'm not complaining about this man," Cora places a hand on his cheek.

The hybrid looks into her eyes that holds truth to the words she spoke. Cora glances between his eyes and lips, feeling the hunger of his touch. Klaus pushes strands of hair behind her ear and notices her stare, knowing this is what she wants. They've hardly had any interaction once Klaus became king of the city, but with the little time they had gladly made up for it. Now this is well deserved.

Klaus slowly leans in while Cora's heart races as he inches closer. They meet halfway and their lips connect, sparks flying as if this were their first. The hybrid envied the time she spent with his older brother, having the doubt that she never had true feelings for him. That was not true at all: her feelings for Klaus remained the same and she wished he had the time to spend it with her. Cora was the first to pull away and rests her forehead against his, smiling from ear to ear. Klaus grabs ahold of her hand and softly kisses her knuckles.

Standing at the doorway is Jason, who quietly sighs sadly and leans his back against the wall so that they wouldn't see him. He stared at the other wall across from him, wishing that were him. But Jason knows he doesn't have to do much to make the Original hybrid out to be the Klaus everyone shutters in fear when up against him. Klaus will simply ruin things himself, he thought.

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