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THE PREGNANT GIRL LOOKS OUT OF THE WINDOW, staring out at nothing. She has been planted inside the house not aloud to leave the home since there are rumors about a werewolf roaming in the city, let alone two. Cora has yet to find any information on what she is; is she a werewolf? is she a human with a coincidental birthmark? Hayley had assured her they're from the same pack with hardly any relation to each other. So many questions flood her mind as to why her brothers don't have the similar birthmark.

"How are you feeling?"

Cora jumps at the voice, barely noticing Klaus and she turns around. He walks inside the room she stood in and she looks back out of the window.

"Feeling claustrophobic inside this mansion," Cora nudges the idea of her hate towards staying trapped.

"Well, I said not to roam the quarter. I said nothing about not stepping foot outside," Klaus chuckles and walks closer to her. He takes a look at her, noticing her not cracking a smile and he sighs.

"I know what you mean, love. You want to see your brothers," Klaus states and Cora turns to him.

"At least call, text, or even send them a letter," Cora says.

"You know that's a risk, not only to them but to you and our child," Klaus states.

Cora looks at him disappointed and turns away, not saying another word. The hybrid sighs sadly, feeling deep down guilty for not allowing the Salvatore to contact her brothers. Although he despises the brothers, he knows how much they mean to Cora.

"I hope you understand why I'm doing this, Cora. I'm doing this for you."

Klaus takes one last glance at the pregnant girl and leaves the room to herself. Cora let's out a sigh once he exits and she looks down, placing a hand on her stomach. If protecting her child means she cannot come in contact with her brothers, then she is willing do whatever it takes to protect it.


"Little sister!" Klaus answers Rebekah's phone call. He sits at a desk, perusing papers for his plan.

"Well, brother, I believe I've made certain Marcel will be properly distracted tonight," Rebekah says as she sits in Rousseau's.

"Dare I ask?"

"Let's just say his attention will not be on us. I did my bit. What are you doing to ensure Elijah's safe return?" Rebekah asks.

"Currently, I'm preparing insurance against the tenderhearted," Klaus puts the phone on speaker phone and continues his gathering.


"We need proper motivation for Katie to cast a powerful spell tonight. I'm creating that motivation. Marcel has ordered a rousting of the witches." Klaus seals an envelope. "And I, in turn, have arranged for things to go tragically wrong. Marcel may not be concerned with Thierry's romantic entanglements...

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