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THE DEAL WITH THE MOONLIGHT RINGS STILL STAND, and Hayley will make sure Klaus will hold up his end of the deal. Cora insists she should make sure the stones come to the city without any problems, so Hayley goes to the Bayou where she'll meet Sebastian and Jackson who have the stones. They drive to the French Quarter with a bag filled with the stones and Sebastian grows impatient.

"Lot of driving for a bag of rocks," Sebastian mutters.

"We'll be in the Quarter by dawn," Jackson sighs at his patience diminishing.

"You sure the hybrid will do his part?" Sebastian asks.

"Cora will make sure of that," Hayley smiles at the thought of her friend.

"I forgot, my daughter got him wrapped around her finger so I don't doubt that," Sebastian smirks.

"She surely is every bit of her mother, ain't it," Jackson asks, glancing at his friend through the rear view mirror and Hayley chuckles at his comment.

"Pay attention, Romeo," Sebastian rolls his eyes, earning a chuckle from Jackson himself.

Not too far in front of their car, three police cruisers are parked just up ahead blocking the road forcing the wolves to stop. There are at least half a dozen of police officers standing in front of the cruisers. Sebastian and Hayley become extremely anxious and Jackson slows the car.

"Alright, relax. Ain't done anything," Jackson rolls down the window and sticks his head out to speak to the police officers. "Evenin', officers."

"Step out of the car. All of you," one of the officers step forward commanding them.

"What's this about?"

All of the officers draw out their handguns and shot guns, aiming them at the car. The wolves lean back in shock and fear, not expecting that to happen at all. Appearing from behind the cruisers is Marcel and Victor making their presence known.

"I think you should do what the man says," Marcel slightly smirks. "Before things take a nasty turn."

The vampires take the wolves to the docks as the sun rises, bringing them inside Thierry's old warehouse. Victor ties them all in their own chair making sure there's no way of them escaping their ties. Marcel has Victor use aggression to get what they need to know about the stones they have.

So the vampire-witch brutality beats the men without touching Hayley once just so she can watch them get broken down. He moves onto Sebastian who is beaten up good but it isn't enough for Victor. He grabs a fist full of his shirt and begins bashing his face, ignoring Hayley's cries for him to stop.

"Leave him alone!" Hayley cries out and Victor steps back, taking in his bloody face.

"We'll leave your boy alone when you tell us what Klaus is up to," Marcel says as he stood off to the side.

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