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|19.| UNREAL

AS THE DAY DRAGS IT ONLY MAKES IT HARDER for the people who have to suffer with the pain a loved one has left them. The young lady sits at her desk with dried tears stained on her cheeks and new ones erupting. The death of a loved one whom was the one took care and protected you like a mother can put a toll on a child, but Cora did not how else to react. When Lilian was alive she never gave Cora the time of day and would be so hard on her just like Giuseppe because she is not their very own. If they were to reveal the truth, they would lose her and Lilian would not forgive herself for allowing her sister's child to appear harmed.

Now that does not matter to Giuseppe now that Lilian is dead and she is the one who wanted to protect her from the truth in the first place. The scary man can choose to let the bastard child go and fend for herself, but he knows his sons would never accept that.

Cora wipes away her tears and lets her maid inside her room to help put on her dress that is meant for her mother's funeral. She stood looking at herself through the mirror while her maid ties the strings to her corset. Once finished the girl walks out of her room only to find Damon pacing back and forth going over his eulogy.

"Damon, you seem troubled. What's the matter, brother?" Cora walks over and stops her older brother from pacing.

"No need to worry, sister. Just going over the eulogy for our mother," Damon assured her. "Why don't you take young Stefan downstairs with you, hmm?"

The young lady nods and receives a soft kiss on her forehead then she walks off to take Stefan with her downstairs where many had filled their home for their mother. Cora walks with her little brother, feeling his hand grasp hers and she looks down at him seeing the pained look as he stared at their mother's empty casket. She lets him grip her hand and he moves closer to her, not knowing how to properly mourn over their mother's death since he is only a child.

Time had passed and Damon has yet to come front with the eulogy he had prepared for their mother, so they finally take her to the cemetery where she will be buried. Coincidentally rain begins to pour on this gloomy day of the Lilian's funeral and now who is left is Giuseppe with his youngest children. Cora stood behind Stefan with her hands placed on his shoulders while their maid holds an umbrella above their heads as Giuseppe stands alone with his own.

They watch as Lilian's casket gets lowered into the grave before the rain starts flood the hole. Some of Giuseppe's men start place the remaining dirt into the hole to cover the casket and the kids stay there till the end while their father leaves to grieve. The rain slowly come to halt and just as it stops the grave is finished. Cora places the rose she had in hand and places it on the mound with Stefan following after her.

"Come on, Stef," Cora picks up her dress to keep it from dragging in the mud. She heads towards their home noticing Stefan remain in his spot. "Stefan, it's time to go home."

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