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|22.| DEMONS

THE LINGERING PAIN OF THEIR DAUGHTERS' DEATHS aches the heart of the parents who only fell out of love. However, the deaths of their daughters are fake but the former lovers who were in love isn't due to heartaches, hook ups with allies, and secrets.

Klaus spends his time in the compound painting his heart out with all the pent up anger, sadness, and frustration he has, with only the support of Elijah and Mary. Reason being the moonstone rings, his daughters nowhere near to where he can visit, and Cora growing distant from him—from everyone.

After her having to transition into a vampire, it was only the cherry on top of what she truly is—a tribrid. Cora dreaded becoming a vampire once again, still dealing with the ripper side of her and the uncontrollable heightened emotions she did not miss too much either. The loss of her best friend caused the tribrid to belittle herself for not being there to rescue Jade and the young vampire Ricky, now she claims herself guilty. Not helping this matter, her daughters who she fell in love with are out of the state and away from all of the madness. Of course, it's for the best so that those girls are safe, but Cora has this emptiness inside of her that only those little girls can fill.

Niklaus has tried his best to communicate with her or just to check up on her in general, but she's never home. The hybrid roams the bayou wondering around during the day while she goes ripper in the night, killing more than ten people for her own entertainment and distraction. Elijah insisted that Hayley should go with her into the bayou, but Cora continuously pushes her away. It would break Hayley's heart of the rejection, but she knows of the reason and needs to realize that she wouldn't fully understand the type of pain both Klaus and Cora are going through.

Struggling to stretch the white canvas over a wooden frame, Klaus growls furiously completely ignoring the Mozart song playing in the background that he hoped would drown out his thoughts. When he tears through the canvas, he angrily throws it across the room. Mary and Elijah walk inside to see this occur and the witch picks up the canvas.

"Guess you can call this your white period," Mary jokes, but the hybrid didn't find it at all funny.

"I'm missing a crucial color in my palette—that of my enemies' blood," Klaus grumbles.

"Well, I recommend a Venetian red, with a dash of rust," Elijah adds on.

"It's been months! I've adhered to our plan: sit and do nothing, sell our grief," Klaus loses his temper. "And now, my children are safely away, and another full moon is upon us—another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight rings steal my strength!"

The heretic and Original brother share a look, knowing the wait for his daughters to return and the wait where he gains his full strength is eating him alive.

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