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ELIJAH'S RETURN TO THE COMPOUND BROUGHT COMFORT to Hayley, however, he's not exactly the same as he was before. When Klaus returned to the compound with his brother, he explained that their mother put him under some spell that would cause him pain and misery—which he is suffering from now. He assured Hayley that he would come out of it unharmed and back to normal, but deep down Cora knew something was wrong.

The tribrid checks on the wolves that have been staying in the compound to make sure they are well taken care of. Hayley had left to the Bayou in hopes of getting Jackson to help come up with a plan to go after Finn. Cora looks upstairs and sighs, going up to check on Elijah. As she walks into the room, Klaus groans in pain as he continues to try to break through, but he's quickly ripped off of Elijah by a worried Cora.

"What are you doing?" Cora lets him grip her arms as she did his. He pants from being startled and he wipes away the blood pooling from his nose.

"I'm trying to enter Elijah's thoughts to wake him." Klaus gestures to Elijah and pulls away from her. "Esther's locked me out."

Cora slightly sighs and walks over to Elijah. She moves his shirt to the side to see a flower petal-shaped wine on his neck. "Is this rash a side effect of the witchy acid trip he's on?" Klaus frowns and returns to Elijah's bedside to examine the wound more carefully.

"I haven't seen this since I was a child. Mikael would return home from battle more blindly temperamental than usual, and our mother would use the petals of a rare merlock orchid to put him to sleep. She would mend his mind with a spell, and then wake him with the roots of the same plant." He turns to Cora, looking hopeful.

"If she has access to it now, then maybe it also grows in the Bayou. You stay here with your wolves and mind the fort." Klaus looks at her and goes to walk out, but Cora turns around and calls out to him.

"I'd rather rip your mother's head off."

"Stay clear of her." Klaus says in a serious tone and walks towards her. "I mean it, Cora. She already got to you once. I don't want you to fall in her madness as a victim." He places his hands on her arms and she lets out a sigh.

"I won't go after her. I promise."

Klaus looks at her for a moment and kisses her forehead before leaving. Cora rubs the area on her arm where he touched her and turns back toward Elijah and approaches the bed to talk to him.

"I've learned a few things from your mother. I won't go after her. I'll go after everything that she loves."


After Hayley's meet up with Jackson out in the Bayou for Oliver's funeral, she came back without him by her side which annoyed the wolf. So Cora moves onto the second in command, Aiden since Oliver is now gone and Sebastian is nowhere to be found. The three wolves arrive to Marcel's loft for a plan.

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