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JASON WATCHED OVER THE PREGNANT WOLF who laid on her bed hoping for any good news about Klaus and Rebekah, but only to be disappointed in the end. She worried about the two and she feels guilty that Elijah chose her and Hayley over his own flesh and blood. Hayley tried to tell her it wasn't her fault, but Cora's emotions are sparking everywhere during this trimester.

The last Original currently standing searches for answers to questions about where his siblings whereabouts. The only answer he received which is from the Harvest girl Monique is to follow the path Celeste had set for him. Elijah knows nothing of what she meant, but he knows a certain witch can help him figure it out. He walks into the courtyard where Marcel stood sending out forces to continue searching.

"Anything?" Elijah asks as he watches the cops walk off to do their job.

"They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we've got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme... Word is out: anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them," Marcel announces to the Original and he merely nods.

"Good. I need a pen and paper, and one of your witches," Elijah walks out of the courtyard. Marcel stands there confused for a moment and follows after the man.

"Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?" Marcel asks while Elijah begins removing his jacket.

"Pen and paper, Marcellus. Now," Elijah demands unrelenting.

"I want her back just as much as you do, you know... The both of them," Marcel mutters and walks towards the desk, grabbing what he commanded. "Victor!"

"Hayley!" Both men call out for the people they need at the moment.

"Elijah! You're back. Did you find any..." Hayley stops as she gapes at Elijah who is now shirtless. "...thing?"

Just as Hayley goes to ask what is happening, Victor walks inside the study with an annoyed look and stops in his tracks seeing Elijah shirtless as well.

"What kind of shit are you dragging me into, Marcel? Some porno?" Victor looks away awkwardly and glares at the black man who glares at him.

"I need you to make a list of these names," Elijah looks at Hayley and glances at Victor. "As for you, tell me what the hell is going on."

"Well, I can't help you if I don't know what these names are connected to," Victor leans on the desk.

Hayley slowly walks around Elijah, reading the names that are sprawled all over his body, one name catching her eye. Sabine.

"Sabine? Elijah, what is this?" Hayley asks.

"I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries," Elijah assumes and Victor slightly nods, connecting the relations.

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