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THE HYBRID AND PREGNANT WOLF SETTLE IN THE COMPOUND, Cora looking around at her new room that used to belong to another. She looks at the paintings that were left in the room and she smiles at how beautiful they look. Cora did not want to leave the mansion without her friend Hayley, but she was left with no choice and Klaus doesn't necessarily care for her at the moment. Footsteps come closer to her room and she slowly turns around, seeing Jason already smiling at her.

"Jason?" Cora smiles wide and walks towards him, hugging him tightly. He hugs back just as tight and he pulls away, looking at her pregnant belly.

"I can't believe you're..pregnant," Jason lets out a breathy chuckle and Cora shakes her head.

"Why are you here? How are you still standing when Klaus is just downstairs," Cora holds onto his arms and he smiles.

"Well, knowing Klaus, he would kill me in a heartbeat, but Marcel convinced him I'm one of his men," Jason explains and moves her hair from her shoulder, checking out the birthmark. "And I've come to realize, we have a lot in common."

Cora looks at him and Jason takes off his leather jacket he wore, tossing it onto her bed. He pulls down part of his shirt to show the same crescent birthmark Cora and Hayley have on their shoulders. Cora softly traces her finger over it and looks up at him.

"We're from the same pack."

Downstairs in the dining room, the long table is set up nicely with plenty of food ready for the vampires. The dinner is to celebrate Klaus's return to his leadership in New Orleans and his repossession of the Abattoir compound from Marcel. The vampire army take their seat at the table; Marcel takes a seat next to Klaus with Ricky while Victor, Mary and Jason sit closer to Cora. Klaus lifts his glass and softly tapping his spoon against it, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift: immortality. After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine," Klaus gestures towards the group of waiters and waitresses. They join them at the table, one for two guests.

"Insatiable need, exquisite pain."

All of the servants surrounding the table slit their l wrists with a knife they had in hand, then turning their hands to fill the cups with their blood.

"Our victories, and our defeats," Klaus glances down at Marcel who slowly meets his eyes. Then the hybrid lifts his class for a toast. "To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..."

"...and the party never end," Marcel family smiles as he lifts his glass as well.

He looks over at Diego who did not necessarily want to give in, but if they're gonna take Klaus off the throne, he and Marcel need to play their part. Finally Diego lifts his glass, assuring the vampires that they should trust the hybrid and celebrate his victory.

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