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AT THE MIKAELSON COMPOUND, Elijah looks devastated as he covers Gia's charred body with a sheet. Mary drinks a vial of Klaus' blood she had kept in her room for safety measures to heal after Klaus attacked and fed on her. The heretic throws the vial letting out a sigh and Elijah turns to her, looking furious as he growls quietly.

"So, now that you have healed, what do you mean, Niklaus had a plan?!" Elijah voice rises to a shout. "We had a plan! A plan he has mercilessly destroyed—"

"Your plan wouldn't have worked, Elijah! Sorry, sweetheart, but your plan would've failed, so he had to enact one of his own," Mary interrupts the vampire and Elijah glares at her, stunned and frustrated by this revelation.

"And what might that be?"

"He has to get her to link to him," Mary says hesitantly, thinking the same thing as he may be thinking now: is Klaus insane?

"My brother wishes to bind himself to our enemy?" Elijah asks frustratingly. "She'll be virtually indestructible!"

"He said I had to convince you that everything he had to do, he had to do alone. You had the wrong ingredients to kill Dahlia, and he has to buy time before he finds the right ones," Mary explains and he looks at her confused.


"Once they're linked, Nik will neutralize he and Dahlia with the dagger that's meant for him. This is him buying time." The noble vampire looks at her, trying to process everything she is saying and Mary sighs, hoping this will all work.


Inside of the hideout meant for Mary and Victor, the heretic rubs his chin and glances at his sister who lays on the bed still unconscious. His superior hearing catches the sound of labored breathing and he looks out of the broken window, seeing his little sister running down the alleyway with a child in her hands—their niece.

Victor clenches his jaw and leaves the building the meet his sister. Just outside, Susie stops at the dead end and frantically looking around, checking behind her to see witches that work for Dahlia. The group of witches circle around the young witch and she holds Hope close to her chest protectively.

"Give us the kid." One of the witches demand, but Susie stands her ground.

"And why should I? Dahlia only wants Melody—the first born," Susie bounces Hope and the same witch replies.

"The power of the tribrid twins will only strengthen her. She promised to share the same power."

"You know, I'd like to see things from your point of view." The witches look towards the source of the voice and Victor appears from the building. "But I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass."

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