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THE SALVATORES FEAST THE FOOD THAT WAS SERVED TO THEM FOR THANKSGIVING. Unfortunately for Damon, he was forced to eat the turkey he cared for named Sami because his and his sibling's father terrified him. The little girl who was renamed due to safety purposes of her true family finding her, Cora stares at her older brother who dutifully finishes his dinner.

"I have finished. May I be excused?" Damon asks his father in fear.

"In a moment," Giuseppe smiles and glances at Lily who tries to hide her frightened look. "Lily, a bourbon, please."

Lily glances over at Damon for a moment before reluctantly rising to her feet and walking into the kitchen to make him a drink. Once she's gone, Giuseppe pulls out a cigar and holds it up for Stefan, Cora, and Damon to see.

"I took this out for a special occasion today. But, in the process, I discovered quite a bit of money missing from my bureau," Giuseppe states and turns to Damon, smiling at him coldly. "You would not know anything about that?"

"No," Damon replies nervously.

Giuseppe lights his cigar and takes a few puffs before turning to look at Cora who only watched him fearfully. He gives off a hint that she would be the one to steal it, but he asks anyways.

"Cora, darling, have you been rummaging through your father's bureau?" Giuseppe gives her a look and Cora shakes her head.

"No, daddy," Cora replies lowly.

The man moves on, turning towards Stefan. Giuseppe doesn't believe he would have done such a thing, but it would only be fair to his kids if he were to ask all three.

"How about Stefan? Might I ask if you have rummages through my belongings?" The man asks and Stefan shakes his head nervously.

"Well, it did not just grow legs and walk off, now, did it?" Giuseppe looks back at the other two children. He looks between his children and sighs, continuing to threateningly puff his cigar. "Which one of you did it? Confess here and now, like a man and woman. Who took the money?"

"It was not us," Damon sticks up for his younger siblings, although with fear in us voice. Giuseppe sighs as his patience wears thin and continues to smoke.

"To think of all the hard work your mother has put into grooming you to be proper young men and a young woman of society. Do you really want to put her through the heartache of thinking she is a complete and utter failure?" Giuseppe questions the children.

"No," Damon mutters.

"Then what would a man do?" Giuseppe looks at Damon, under the impression he may have done it.

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