Ch.1|preparation for reception

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I woke up early, while Hanifa was still asleep. After fajr Hafsa never went back to sleep, I'm sure she went to help with breakfast. We have many workers but mama prefers to go to the kitchen, supervise and do something's herself.

I read my Quran a bit, then I went to take a shower, a nice long and hot Shower! A week before the wedding Hajiya Maro came for gyaran jiki. It was a bit rough and not very comfortable but my skin feels smooth and clean now. When I was out of the bathroom Hanifa was awake and reciting Qur'an.

She finished and smiled at me then we greeted. She went in to bath while I went to wear my blue ankara skirt and blouse. I put on my gold jewelry set and did light makeup. I wore my slides and was about to go downstairs when Hanifa came out of the bathroom.

"Kin gama kenan (you have finished already?... A/N mind my translations)" she asked.

"Yup in jira ki? ( should I wait for you?)" I asked.

"No just go I'll come and meet you"

I left her and went downstairs. I greeted mama and all the ladies around. Breakfast was set on the table. My favourites were on the table, why is mama trying to make me miss this house more.

There was Waina and miyan Taushe, waffles and ice cream, and my mummys acara with pap. I sat on the table with my friends and cousins eating my masa and blushing at all the comments they were making.

"so yanzu we will not be seeing you as we please" Fatima, my cousin said looking at me.

Before I could answer mama walked in. "You will see now but don't go knocking on her husband's door everyday going to do gulma! Like you do here"

We all laughed and mama walked out shaking her head. After breakfast we sat down and just talked and talked about nothing and everything! But At some point I did a one hour practice of changing my two wedding dresses so it'll be quick.


At four my makeup artist was going to come, now it's three. I went to my room to grab my phone and charge it, I know I'll be too busy too remember it later. Tara makeup was coming to do me and my bridal party courtesy of mama.

Mama came into my room as I was putting on the socket for my phone. "Ayeesha I need to talk to you before you go sit here" she patted the bed beside her.

"Ok mommy" I sat. And she stared at me.

"I've told you the duties of a wife and how you should behave — I always tell you. Don't raise your voice at him I know how angry you can get. Don't do any unnecessary vexing for him and listen to him. Obey everything he says! Don't argue. Always be strong! when he has off days be understanding. Pray always. Be there for him. And if there's any problem Talk to him if you can't come to me! I will hear you out. But not every time something happens you come here crying. Be respectful to your In-laws treat them the way you treat us" Mama lectured holding my hand and looking at me.

"Yes mama don't worry I won't let you down. And what I can't handle I'll take to Allah to handle for me. InshaAllahu mama I will be the best wife ever like you" I said rubbing her back. She smirked at me and we chuckled.

"I'm proud of the woman you have become today. I know you won't let me down I will really miss you... Ayeesha " she started crying.

I hugged her and we cried together. I'm the closest to my mother amongst my siblings and now I'm leaving her side and it just makes me so sad. I wiped my tears as I realised the makeup artists had arrived.

"Don't cry mama it's ok were in the same Abuja ko" I told her as I wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks. She got up and smiled at me then she left.

I was born and raised in Dubai I stayed there till I was 15 with my mom and siblings. My dad stayed in Nigeria though because of work, He is an engineer and a politician. I went to uni at London school of arts when I was 17, been back in Nigeria for a year now. In this year I worked more on my fashion line and opened a boutique. I also do event planning with my mom. My business has been going well for me Alhamdulillah.

"Lets begin" the Makeup artist said as she started on my face.

By 5:30 sharp I was done with my makeup. And all my friends were dressing up.

I wore my first dress

It was a long white fitted dress with a big train behind

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It was a long white fitted dress with a big train behind. I wore my custom made glass slipper Jimmy choos. I felt like cinderella when I got them. The amount of shouting I got for using tons of money on a shoe was outrageous! I wore a white turban and then for my second dress I'm using a hijab.

We took a bunch of pictures before we got in the car and left. We had 5 cars for all of us so we were comfortably sitting. As for me my two main people and Fatima sat in my car.

We got there and I was waiting for Hussain, By 6:30 we would walk in together, So by 6:15 I will come out and so will Hussain for pictures at our red carpet. Just before the hall there's like a big space that had our hashtag there


I was so nervous!!!!
I was walked out of my car to the carpet where Hussain was standing in his amazing white kaftan and baban riga. Ya Allah he's so fineeeeee! Astaghfirullah. Wait! He's my husband it's halal!

"Ah zan sata mijin ki fa kishiya goals (I'll steal your husband oh Co-wife goals)" Fatima whispered in my ear. I playfully nudged her and we chuckled.

"You look breathtaking" Hussain said and everybody hollered I blushed so hard, the attention was too much for me!

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