Ch.6|Work Trips

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I came back from work early today. I was going to ask Hussain if I can go to Dubai with the girls. I also have a mini job for a 21st dinner party at the same time in Dubai and mama said I should go. We have a branch in Dubai with a few workers and a manager, a lot of Nigerians who live there are our main customers. Mama seems to be close to these people and since she's unable to travel at that time she said to ask my husband if could go.

I made steak, Rice, and a small sauce. I decided to also make pepper soup and a nice chocolate mousee for dessert. I placed everything on the kitchen table then went to clean up. He'll be back in about 2 hours so I had some time to do a few other things. Hussein is clingy so whenever he's back we're always together except if he has work to do in his study.

I laid down for a few minutes just thinking before I decided to chat with my friend Amina, I realized how I haven't kept in touch with a lot of my friends except, Hanifa. We talk everyday!

●Me: Amina!!!
○Amina: ahh I thought you forgot me fah
•Me: Haba I can't how r u paddy
●Amina: I dey o how are you?
○Me: I'm fine too how's our husband
●Amina: he's fine. When will you come and see my daughter. 😒
○Me: ooh my baby I will see when I can come to Jos and see you
●Amina: No p baby how's our other husband
○Me: he's fine as well Alhamdulillah 😅
●Amina: so should I be expecting a little Ayeesha and Hussain soon.
○Me: Lol. Please go and meet your husband and leave me.

I've actually been thinking about kids. I've always wanted a mini me to spoil silly. Actually a boy first then a girl so he can protect his sister. I'll talk to Hussain about kids... I don't even know how I will work up the courage to talk about that.

I checked the time after I finished using my phone, I had a nice cold shower and wore a long off shoulder dress. I packed my hair in a ponytail and put lip gloss. I heard the doorbell and ran downstairs. This house is basically a mansion I need to ask Hussain if we can hire cleaners to come some parts are getting dusty and I'm getting tired and too busy.

(A/N. I'll list the parts of the house at the end)

"Wifeyy" he beamed at me and I chuckled.

"Asalamu alaykum sannu da zuwa" I replied.

" wa'alaykum salam. How are you baby girl I missed you today" He said kissing my forehead as we walked upstairs.

" I'm fine I missed you too"

" change quickly let me go and warm dinner I want to talk to you also"

"toh" he replied simply and I left.

I quickly warmed the food and set up the table for us. He came down as I was washing my hands. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"I love your perfume" he said turning me around. I just blushed.
He leaned in and kissed me and i kissed back. We finally came up for air and I put my head down and he chuckled.

" I'm hungry lets go and eat something" I said wiggling out of his hold.

"Hmm Something besides you" he smirked.

" your unbelievable" I laughed and held his hand pulling him to the dining area.

"So what did you want to talk to me about cause I need to talk to you too"

"Can we finish eating first" I asked camly.

"Okay thats fine"

After we finished eating he helped load the dish washer and we cleaned the dining area up  together. He laid his head on my lap and I played with his hair.

"You go first" he said facing my stomach.

"First please can we get cleaners"

" I was even going to ask you if you wanted some help. Ill talk to my friend we'll get 2 guys and 2 ladies to do cleaning and help with cooking. Ama when you can you will cook for me ko"

"Yes I will cook for you that's fine"

" then what else"

"Umm second thing I have three things... your sisters asked if I can go with them to escort Hauwa to school and around that time Dubai I have an event and them mama agreed but I am asking please can I go"

"No Barbie you can't go"

"But why Dan Allah" I whined crossing my arms and leaving his hair.

"for how long?"

" just 2 weeks"

" you can go cause I wanted to tell you around that time I have to go to Boston for 3 weeks"

"so I'll be back and alone for a week" I whined again.

" you can come and meet me then we'll add 3 days for yawo "

"Yayy best husband ever big kissss" and I kissed his cheek

"You are such a baby ok what's the next thing."

" ...I mean do you want.. children" he chuckled and I covered my face with my hands. He got up and carried me, placing me on his laps.

" please look at me" he said gently. I shook my head still covering my face.

"Please baby girl I want to see your pretty face come on open your face for a biiig kissss" I chuckled and put my hands down then hugged him.

"Big kisss" I said and we kissed.

" I want 2 kids a boy then a girl but If Allah gives us more I will be more than grateful!"

"Oh my Allah me too!!" I said.

"Soon InshaAllah oya lets go to bed"

" ok back me" I put my hands up and he shook his head. He carried me up and I squealed.

" anything for my queen" He said putting me down on the bed.

"Thank you" we changed then prayed.

Parts of the house

- swimming pool
- garden
- gazebo
- small library
-garage for their 5 cars
- 5 bedrooms
-boys quarters (3 rooms with 3 bathrooms and 2 tiny kitchens and tiny living room)
- game room
- pantry
-dog cages (only own 2 dogs)
- guards rooms
- theatre
-2 living rooms
-mini bar
- one big empty room.
-2 kitchens (big main one downstairs, small one upstairs)



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