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I lay on the bed while Hussain was sitting next to me. The doctor applied the cold gel on my stomach and It was irritating and low key uncomfortable. I was now 4 months far and we decided to find out the gender today, I didn't want to be surprised.

"Should I tell you the gender of your baby now?" The lady asked smiling at us.

"Yes please" we said at the same time and chuckled.

"Its a— girl" she squealed making us laugh. We had wanted a boy but were grateful for what Allah has given us.


"So what do you want to do now?" Hussain asked as we drove out of the hospital.

"Start on the babies nursery" I beamed and he laughed.

"Ok we can start with paint and then go to Jamilas shop for other stuff"

"What?? Your sister has a shop?"

"Yes she sells things for baby rooms and a few baby clothes its called everything baby"

"Oh really" he just chuckled.

"So what color baby girl"

"A nice baby pink for three of the walls then on one of the walls will be white and will have a rainbow with a verse from Qur'an and we'll later add lights that spell her name" I had this all thought out.

"Sounds good to me"

We bought the paint then bought a few celing lights and firefly lanterns. We also bought 3 new frames for pictures. Thankfully Jamila was not in her shop when we went there and I got tired really quickly so we headed home.

"Madam food is ready do you want to eat now" The chef came and met me.

"Yes please what did you cook" I asked.

"Theres roasted fish and chicken, Jollof rice and plantains, theres chicken salad and vanilla truffles. I also did a bit of pepper soup"

"Umm I'll have everything besides the chicken salad and did you make the fruit salad?"

"Yes madam"

"Ok bring the fruits let me ask oga what he wants to eat. You know what just put everything on the table"

I went upstairs to call Hussain.

"Ayeesha is that you" I heard him ask from the closet. Guess someone just had a bath.

"Yes baby it is do you need something" I asked walking towards the bathroom.

"Have you seen my blue and gray boxers"

"Ew no why I would I see" I scrunched my nose and he chuckled.

"Erm because your my wife for one. Second we share the same closet. Third you did laundry yesterday and fourth you didnt seem to think ew a few days ago when you were —"

"Shut up Hussain" I shouted laughing. "Your boxers are in the basket at the end of the closet" I walked into the closet to show him.

"So she knew"

"Yes I knew do you want to eat"

"Yes I'm coming but wait for me"


After he finished wearing his clothes we went downstairs together. I served him before serving myself. We talked about, well argued about baby names. We were both very excited about this baby. I keep on thanking Allah and hoping nothing bad will happen to my baby. Mama and Ammah call everyday to ask about my health. Hussain is extra caring and more careful about everything. He even comes back from work early. I legit have escort that goes with me everywhere now everything is just so extra.

"Mama he's gone he's left me she's gone too"

All I could feel was pain and anger I lost my baby a week after she was born.Hussain beat me up saying it was all my fault and said I've caused him nothing but pain. He ran away with his cousin layla and left me alone. I never thought things would end like this. Oh Allah what have I done.

"Dont call me Mama leave my house you've caused us pain" mama scolded.

"Hussain Hussain please come back to me baby. My baby girl Hussain" I cried and coughed out blood. I've never screamed and cried so much in my life. My shouts were loud and agonizing my chest was hurting badly and my throat was throbbing.

I felt someone touching me and calling out my name.

"Ayeesha please wake up baby your scaring me" Hussain was tugging at me.

"Hussain please don't leave me wait my baby" I jumped and held my stomach. It was all a dream. I burst into tears and fell on his Hussain's chest holding him tight.

He held me tight and kept kissing my head. "Its ok baby I've got you I will never leave you" he kept saying. He made me recite Surah ikhlas, Surah Nas, and Ayat-ul-kursi, I felt better after doing that but the fear hasn't left me entirely. I hugged him tight and he kept rocking me until I slept off in that position.


~Have a good day💕

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