Ch.13|Hussains Baby

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This week has been hectic and not so fun My baby bump is more visible, and I get serious cramps and pains all over my body. Today was the cooks off day so I had to cook as well which I usually enjoy but now everything is just tiring and hard. I quickly went to change, I wore leggings with a big black and white sweatshirt.

I made rice and curry with chicken. For dessert was just Ice cream and frozen stawberries I decided. I put the food into warmers and started to work on my dessert. I got out the strawberries and prepared them. I threw them into the blender quick. After they were all good I put them in the freezer.

"Barbie I'm back" I heard Hussain call out.

"In the kitchen" I called back as I was about to the open the door I hit my stomach on the kitchen Island.

"Owwww" I cried. I felt the pain all around my stomach all the way to my back.

"A'ouzubillahi" Hussain said rushing to my side "What happened?"

"I wanted to open the kitchen door and on my way I hit my stomach"

"Oh sorry baby" he looked confused unsure whether to carry me or let me walk or not even touch me so it won't hurt.

After sorting out my little accident We ate and I prayed then went into my expression room. I picked a pink chalk.

"I can't wait for my baby to come I will take so care of her and love her. I will never loose my baby" I wrote the last sentence as I still remembered my dream from a month or so ago.

"Mummy can't wait for you to come" I added on there.

I had written at least 12 things on this wall that referred to my unborn princess. I really couldn't wait for her to come.

"Come on lets go to bed" I looked over at Hussain who had come in. He wrote one thing and we left.

"Sleep tight my habibti" Hussain whispered into my neck after blowing duas over me.

I slept off peacefully thinking about my baby. As I was wrapped in my husbands warm embrace. I turned and faced him I woke up a bit now and then.

I used my fingers and traced his soft full lips. I gently stroked his long eyelashes. He was really tall compared to me. He was 6'3 and I was 5'3. I checked out his amazing 6 pack and his perfect fit body. Hussain was gorgeous He is everything I ever dreamed off and more.

We're both very excited about this new baby coming. I felt happy giving my husband a child of having a mini me that was half of me and my soulmate. When I wasn't in pain I was super excited counting the days until my daughter would come into the world.


I suddenly felt uncomfortable in the bed and I forced my eyes open. I put my hand where I felt something liquid between my legs. It was so mushy and I suddenly felt a bit of pain around my lower abdomen and vagina.

It was hot and cold at the same time. My skin crawled and I was sweating so much although the AC was on. I put my hand up from where I was I was trying to make sense of the liquid beneath me. Although the room was a bit dark I couldn't deny myself the truth. The blood and other watery substance trickled down my hand and I gasped loudly as the tears came. I knew what this was.

My baby
Our baby
Hussains baby

I couldn't move all that was heard was my bawling.

"Ayeesha please whats wrong" Hussain begged but I was numb All I could do was cry. He eyes filled with tears although I don't think he even saw what was going on.

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