Ch.23|Another lady?

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Dedicated to @teemarh__

"Can I see your phone then if its just work?" I asked Hussain sternly. It's been a whole month now! And he's still very distant, he spends a lot of time on his phone and has become so secretive.

"So you don't trust me?" He glared at me.
"I do but you obviously don't trust me"

"How then?" He finally put his phone on the table, crossed his arms and faced me.

"How?? You've ignored me for a month Hussain! You come home later than usual you also hardly eat and you won't tell me whats bothering you and you Are always on your phone. When I ask what your doing you'll say work or tell me to mind my business and you won't even let me so much as touch your phone! For someone who used to send your texts, answer your calls for you, take pictures, use Instagram, play game anything on your phone this makes me suspicious and I'm only human" I said taking a deep breath so I wasn't shouting but you could hear my voice crack.

"I'll stop ignoring you and I'll start eating and its not as if I come home by 12 midnight so please why are you complaining?" he began.

"Because I get worried you don't send texts anymore" I sighed.

"I'm fine I'm either at work or at a friends so I don.." I cut him off.

"Does it hurt for me to know"

"No sorry but I won't change my coming time and see my phone take it look through it"

I picked it up not with the intention to open it or check anything but the 3 notifications at the top of the screen confirmed my suspicions. There were 3 texts from "Fati💕" and only 2 emails from his office.

"Who is fati?" I asked.

"She's a business partner and a good friend now" he shrugged.

"So why did she call you baby in this text and say I love you too?" I pressed on.

"Friendly love and I'm married to you not her I'm here with you not her so what's your issue?"

"Unbelievable" I muttered and dropped his phone, I took my own phone and started walking away but suddenly stopped.

"I'm going for my friends dinner party by 6 this evening I'll be back before 12 since There are no rules considering time in this house"

"No problem I was going to Tahirs house he's friends dinner party is also this evening."

"Great" I scoffed and went upstairs to get ready. Oh Allah let it not be Anna's party were both going to because Anna and Tahir are good friends.

● Mani boo: I'm in town ooooo
○Me: Oh my Allah Armani drop the joke.
●mani boo: no joke text me your address boo. Can I stay at ya place too I wanted to surprise you.
○me:of course how long are you in town . Are you going too Anna's party?
●Mani boo: yeah now! For a week.

I quickly texted her the address and squealed, I didn't realize I was dancing about in the room. I haven't seen Armani in so long and I missed her so much!

"Whats so exciting?" Hussain asked coming into the room.

"Armani is in town and also she wanted to surprise me so she's on her way here can she stay here just for a week." I begged with all my excitement like a small child.

"Why not"

"Yayyy" I squealed again, usually I'd hug him but not today.

"I don't get a big hug or kiss for this?"

"No" I replied simply and went into my closet. Hussain came in and packed an outifit.

"I'm getting dressed at Jabbirs" he said.

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