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I prepared a good amount of spaghetti Bolognese and chicken wings for dinner tonight. For dessert I had a chocolate lava cake and vanilla ice cream. Today Hussain was coming over and I was excited it's been 6 years since I willingly cooked for my husband! I had a bowl of chips, cookies, and Sweets arranged neatly on the living room table. I placed a juice and water pitcher on the table as well. It looked good!

Nour and Aaliyah had gone to sams house and would be back at 8pm. Giving Hussain and I about 3 hours more or less to talk about everything. I hope he wants dinner first because I'm hungry!!

I wore an A line Ankara dress and tied a matching headtie loosely on my head. I slipped into my fluffy slides and took my phone going downstairs. Just as I reached the bottom of the steps I heard the doorbell.

"Coming" I called out running to the door.

"Asalamu alaykum love" Hussain said stepping into the house.

"Ameen wa'alaykum salam how are you?" I asked collecting the flowers, bucket of Maltesers and plush teddy bear from his arms.

"I'm good thank you what about you by the way the teddy bear is for My little boy not you"

"Ahhh I thought it was mine and I'm great Alhamdulliah thank you so much for this"

"Ayeesha I'm hungry" He said in bored tone and I laughed dropping the things on the table and taking his hand.

"I'm hungry also what should I serve you wings first or you want to go straight to pasta?"

"Zan chi duka (I will eat all)" he said and I chuckled and started serving us.

I poured us a glass of berry blast and started to eat. "Your cooking seems to have gotten better If that's possible" Hussain complimented and I smiled.

"Thank you I will teach you don't worry ko"

"You ma you know I cook better than you"

"You wish"

We laughed and teased eachother while eating dinner it felt good to finally be together again. There was no denying that things were a little bit awkward but we tried to work through it with laughter. After we finished eating I cleared the table and joined Hussain in the living room.

"Now let's begin Yeah? How about we start with housing I didn't look for any house or anything because that will obviously just be your department so what have you come up with"

"I bought a house actually" he laughed nervously and I just nodded because I wasn't sure how to react "the brown one with the huge lawn Aaliyah told me you liked the houses in that neighbourhood" I immediately realized the house he was talking about so I squealed in delight.

"MashaAllah that's great I love that house Hussain"

"I'm glad you do so next thing? When will we start moving into the house?"

"We can start the moving in of our stuff day after tomorrow and then furniture and all so InshaAllah in 2 weeks time if that's okay with you?"

"Sounds great I was thinking the same thing"

"Alright then what of Nours school?"

"He comes with me in the morning and I drop him off"

"Oh but you don't have car"

"Well yeah we use Aaliyah's car so all 3 of us go out together or we just take a cab"

"We need to get you a car InshaAllah by next week so we can go looking for one by let's say day after tomorrow?"

"Alright sounds good it has to be in the evening though or during one of my lunch breaks" I squealed and Hussain shook his head.

"So we've sorted out transportation, Housing and ,school"

"Yes well Money isn't much of an issue we know how to share the bill for food, light stuff like That and of course taxes"

"Yeah we've just gone over everything like the highlights we need to get into details"

We talked more talking carefully over each thing and making sure to agree so we don't have any issues later. So in 2 and a half weeks or less at least we should be moving into our new home. I'm very excited about the whole thing, Hussain said he needs to leave by the end of the month so once were settled and all. He is going back to Nigeria for a bit to sort things out, he's asked if I'd go back with him but I need to think about it.

I really want to go back home it has been way too long, I want to see my family and the girls. I wonder how Hussains family will react when they see me, Will his mother still be unkind to me? Will Jamila give me more shit that I don't deserve? The last thing I want is to deal with any drama. I've been at peace for a while not exactly but my life has been drama free and peaceful. Going back to Abuja means having to explain things to different people and listening to people's unwanted opinions about my life. Mama had already filled me in on what the extended family members had to say about me leaving.

"Yaran yanzu Basu iya zaman aure ba."

"So her husband brought another woman and so? Is she first person to have a co-wife?"

"She has run off to chase nonsense passions"

"She has a rich husband and then she left him to go abroad and suffer"

I knew it was all bullshit but it didn't make it any less annoying! My friends would want to know what happened, and others would be upset and it would talk a whole lot of begging and bribing to be on good terms again. It's like all this time I've been in a dream and now I'm about to wake up.

On the other hand Nour needs to see Nigeria and meet his cousins and grandparents. I want him to meet everyone and get used to being around his cousins. He needs to eat more Nigerian food! I always wanted to raise my child in Nigeria at least until they were 5 or even 10. I want him to have good values to see different cultures and embrace them, to have proper discipline.

All this is happening a bit too fast.

I escorted Hussain out and we decided to meet up again tomorrow. Well he'll be coming to pick Nour up at 12 and return him at 3.

I don't have to go to the office for the rest of this week. So tomorrow morning I'll work a lot on packing things and just trying to connect all the dots in my head. By 5pm Hussain and I are going to check out the house.

In shaa Allah Things are going to be great! Everything is going to fall into place! Alhamdulliah a thousand times..

This chapter was nice I hope? So 2 more chapters before our epilogue!!

Anyway love you mucho



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