Ch.21|Ayeesha the MVP

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I woke up with serious cramps and I felt a bit weak, it can't be my period oh I hope not!! Hussain was in the closet and I quickly went into the bathroom to wash up. Shit! I forgot to add more pads to my bathroom rack.

"Hussain" I called out.

"Yeah are you ok?" he asked.

"Erm....can you open my toiletries drawer and bring me a pad" I said shyly while he lightly chuckled. Ugh this is so embarassing!! I might as well have a shower now thank Allah my underwear is here.

"Here" Hussain came in covering his eyes and holding out the pad. I giggled at this.

"Thank you Good morning" I said collecting it and he turned to go out.

"Morning barbie" He replied.

By the time I was out Hussain was out of the room. I wore a plain black Abaya as we would be going out for the family lunch later. I went downstairs and there was breakfast on the table and I just remembered the cook was around. I greeted everyone amd sat down to eat my chips.

"I'm going now Ammah sent the driver to pick me" Binta said as she brought her bags down.

"Ah ah early this morning?" I asked.

"Wallahi but I'll see you at blu cabanna later"

"Eyaah ok wait let me give you cake and the mugs for them Baba" I quickly went to the kitchen and cut the cake. I grabbed 3mugs from the kitchen Island, and went back to give Binta. I took my purse from the table and took out 15k.

"Here this money is for you gaskiya you tried yesterday Thank you soooo much wish I could give you more" I hugged her.

"Haba Aunty thank you too fah"

"Toh greet them baba for me Ko Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz Aunty. Bye bye Yaya, Hafsa I'll call you ko" She said heading out.

"Hafsa coco do you want to go now?" Hussain asked her.

"Ha ah are you driving my sister?" I quickly asked.

"Haba no I'm just asking her" he replied then he faced her.

"I actually wouldn't mind please" Hafsa replied shyly.

"Ok the driver can take you now"

"Ok thank you let me get my stuff" She said heading upstairs. Hussain stuck his tongue out at me and I huffed. I followed Hafsa to her room.

"Here put this with your kaya" I gave her the mugs for our parents and cake. I also packed chicken and some cookies and popcorn for IB.

"Toh me I won't get money" she whined.

"See your head like money Igbo girl Ngozi!!!" I clapped my hands in front of her face dramatically and she laughed.

"Take don't disturb me again ko" I said handing her 10k because I was low on cash.

"Eh heh now your talking Jazakallah thank you baby" she beamed at me and I rolled my eyes at her antics.

I escorted her to the car and said bye.

"Ok we have a little more than two hours before it's 2 o'clock and we have to be at blu cabanna so what should we do?" I asked sitting on Hussain's lap.

"Damn woman you talk a lot" I just chuckled. "We can sleep some more and watch tv" he added.

"Uhg sleep is so boring I'm tired too but as far as I'm concerned its still ya birthday" I smirked.

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