Ch.5| Warming up

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* 2 weeks have passed now *

I sat on the couch with Hussain watching Barbie. As grown as I am I still love Barbie and so I've pulled my husband into watching it, After a lot of grumbling though.

" Ayeesha" Hussain said my name.

" yeah" I replied still watching my cartoon.

" I think I love you"

" no shit" I scoffed. He stared at me and we burst out laughing.

" I was trying to be serious fah" he told me holding me tighter.

" I know......I think I love you too" I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

He leaned in and joined our lips and I willingly kissed him back.

(Woop woop woop First kiss 😗)

I broke the kiss and looked down not wanting to look at him. He used his fingers and carefuly raised my chin so I was looking at him.

" I know you liked it" He smirked and before I could reply we kissed again.

" I know you did too" I smirked and ran off.

I heard him laughing and coming after me. He chased me round the whole house till i stopped at the kitchen to catch my breath. He sat next to me on the floor and we burst out laughing. He helped me up and I got us water.

" lets go and pray Isha " I said holding his hand.

" ok" he replied and we walked up together. Alhamdulillah did I mention that heads Sallah so well? I'm so blessed!

After we prayed we read Qur'an together and blew duas over eachother.

" I'm hungry " I said sitting down on the bed.

"Me too" he pouted.

" lets go and make something together don't shower now after we eat "


After Hussain came out of the bathroom. I met him inside the walk in closet sitting down.

" are you ok?" I asked looking at him.

" yeah I'm fine" he said beaming at me. I ignored him and started looking for my nightie. I totally forgot that all I had on was my towel. I found a short night gown and was about to put it on then realised that Hussain was still was here.

" can I have some privacy" I asked quietly.

" are you not my wife" he shrugged.

" eh still"

" I'll go but your there hiding something that I will soon see" he smirked and ran out.

I shook my head and laughed, I quickly changed before he will come back again." My beautiful wife" Hussain said beaming at me as I came out.

"My ugly Husband" I retorted.

" thats not very nice " he pouted feigning hurt and forming a baby voice.

"aww my baby don't worry your very handsome. Ko" I said holding his cheeks and kissing it.

" yay" he smiled and kissed my forehead. I shook my head and laid down I'm tired.

" please ki tashi (wake up)" Hussain said tapping me.

"Why" I groaned.

" I can't sleep keep me company please"

"Na gaji batchi nake ji sosai (I'm tired I'm feeling really sleepy)"

" yi hakuri just for a while please" he begged.

I groaned and got up, this man can be very annoying. It's funny how when people talk about marriages they only say learn to be patient, they talk about the fights, they talk about obstacles and children. They don't talk about how you have to learn to share things or that sometimes you have to sacrifice your sleep to make your spouse happy or hold their hair back while they throw up. They don't mention that you have to go out of your comfort zone to share a room with someone, change in front of them. All those little things are never talked about and I wonder why?

" since you woke me up can you tell me a story"

" ok sit on my laps first Barbie " I wasn't going to put up a fight so I sat. I wrapped my legs round his waist. He has been calling me Barbie since I made him watch Barbie with me. After his nice story I laid back down.

I put my head on his chest and tangled my legs with his.

"Can you sing to me please" He asked. I chuckled I've sang to him three times this week.

"Ok" I sang a short song and he kissed me and smiled.

" I love your voice you should be a musician"

"Allah ya Isa" we laughed.

" I wont even let you so kowani kosai da bredi su yi ta binki" I chuckled.

We talked about everything and nothing for about 2 hours till he started feeling sleepy and he slept off. Unfortunately for me my sleep had vanished all thanks to him so I picked up my phone to scroll through Instagram.

Short boring chapter...Ik😩
Promise the next one will be better.


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