Ch.40| Mine

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Today was the last day of the event and the dinner was going great. I was happy that it was the end cause I had been so tired and I just want to go on a vacation and sleeeeep!! I was standing outside with Nour who kept crying for no reason and so we had to come out. He wasn't sleepy I know that, and I just fed him so why is he crying?

"It's okay baby ahh" I kept cooing.

"Haba Nour ya isa mana Kai ma baka gaji da kukan ba? (It's okay now are you not tired of crying?) " I said almost in tears myself and he just cried louder.

"Kai" I shouted at him and he shut up in shock "ban kashe uwata ba saboda haka bazaka kashe ni ba ka ji (I didn't kill my mother so you will not kill me) just shut up! " I hissed as I put him down and warned him with my finger.

I don't beat him but I occasionally scold him and today he seemed very scared. I'm not apologizing for scaring him today he deserves it.

"Saboda Allah it's now you keep quiet try that uncessary crying with me again, zan baka kashi ka ji (I will give you shit you hear me?) " I even laughed at my statement in the end. He just pouted and nodded.

"Yallah let's go"

"Let's go" he replied quietly.

"Mammi see daddy" Nour shouted pointing at a man standing at the entrance.

"Inna lillahi wa ina illahi rajun.... fuckingshit" I cursed under my breath luckily for me Nour didn't run towards him he just pulled me.

"Salam Ayeesha" Hussain greeted me.

"salam Hussain" I greeted back giving him a fake smile. I see we're trying to be diplomatic or civil? I don't even know.

"Daddyy " Nour kept shouting excitedly and I wanted to just glue his lips together but it's too late.

"Who is this cute little fella?" Hussain asked squatting down to Nours height.

"My mane is Nour" we both chuckled at this.

"Baby say name n-a-m-e" I told him stressing the r.

"Name is Nour" he said giggling and trying to hide behind my dress.

"Hello Nour how are you?"" Hussain asked him.

"Fine thank you" he replied and I smiled.

"Good boy I like your little designer suit" Hussain chuckled and yes my boy was wearing a designer suit! It was navy blue and it fit him perfectly.

"Thank you It wooks like yours"

"Yes it does you are a very smart boy"

"Thank you" he hid behind my dress again.

Hussain looked at me and stood back up straightening his suit. And gestured as if to ask who was Nour. Hussain looked at me and I could see in his eyes that he wanted me to nod to say it was our son, but instead I shrugged.

"If you'll excuse us I need to see this award we have a nomination"

"Ayeesha you can't keep avoiding me we need to talk please"

"Khalas just text me and maybe we can work something out tomorrow"

"Thank you so much" he smiled a huge smile reaching up to his eyes.

I picked up my little boy and walked away as fast as my heels would let me.


Right now I was sitting at Starbucks waiting for Hussain. I texted him where to meet me yesterday night and he's running a bit late.

"Asalamu alaykum" Hussain greeted me smiling lightly as he sat.

"Amin wa'alaykum salam how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing... okay Alhamdulillah  what about you"

"Alhamdulillah I'm very happy"

"That's good to hear"


"Ayeesha I'm very sorry and I know that Hanifa has told you. wallahi Ayeesha I would never have hurt you lik..." I cut him off.

"But you did"

"Ayeesha I'm sorry please I became a monster and I didn't even realize it and I need you to forgive me please I'm so sorry I need you Ayeesha I've seen my life without you and it's just worthless. please understand that I never meant to hurt you intentionally I was jazzed and even when I wasn't with Layla I have apologized and I am still so sorry if I could go back in time and change things I definitely will. Baby I feel so bad right now cause I tore your world apart, and now all I can think about is how I broke your heart." He paused and I took a sip of my tea willing myself not to cry! Not to give in so easily. I put my head down and played around with the end of my scarf, when he sensed I had nothing to say he continued.

"You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and my stupidity ruined everything. I know you look happier without me now in your life since I hurt you, but I want you to know that I love you from the bottom of my heart and losing you is something I cannot allow myself go through. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get you back please forgive me. Allow me to protect the sacred bond that we shared"

"Oh Hussain I forgive you! I love you" I wanted to shout and hug him back but I couldn't.

As I started at him now all I wanted to do was hug him and cry but at the same time I wanted to slap him. I went with the latter.

"Shit.... well I think I deserved that"

We stared at each other for a while, him eagerly waiting for my response, and me trying to carefully pick my words. After about 6 minutes I decided to respond.

"Well Hussain .......

Dun Dun Dunnnn cliff hangerrrrrr 😂.. lol.

I'm sorry I had to do this to you my loves. I'm running to hide under my bed!!

I love you guys much much were approaching 10k readers like joke like joke fah❤️



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