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Hussain did not stay with me as he said he would when I woke up he was gone. I could really care less because I was dealing with physical pains and I don't need any more emotional ones. I called Hanifah to come stay with me and keep me company. I decided to finally get up and suddenly I felt my stomach turn and bile rising. I quickly rushed to the bathroom and threw up.

I cleaned the toilet, brushed my teeth and decided to take a bath. That way I would be finished with the bathroom totally. "Knock knock" I heard Hanifa's loud voice from right outside the door.

"Come in" I shouted as I went to find an outfit. I picked up a purple abaya and a lilac headscarf.

"Hey Hanny" I said putting my stuff on the chair near the vanity.

"Baby A ya ki ke(how are you)" she asked.

"Toh ga munan dey (toh we're here) Alhamdulillah" I sighed wearing my clothes.

"It'll all be good InshaAllah we're going to the hospital right" she hugged and gave me an encouraging smile. I was grateful she didn't ask about Hussain or fati or anything that had to with them entirely.

"Nam kayfa haluk (yes, how are you)"

"Ana bkhyar shukran(I'm fine thank you) see how you just switched language and I only know how to greet in arabic fah kin sani(you know)" I chuckled at this.

"I know" I went into to wear my white vinci wedges  I picked up a purple Gucci bag and Hanifa did my eyebrows. Despite how I was feeling inside I told myself I would always look great!

Whenever people saw me these days they always say "married life looks good on you," or "your husband is taking good care of you, "the most common one was "you look very happy." If only they knew what was really going on in my life I was far from happy and my marriage was going down the drain. But yes my husband did take care of me he made sure that my basic needs were provided.

"Let's get you something to eat before we go ok you don't want to keep your baby hungry" Hanifa winked.

"I am not pregnant I don't want a baby I don't want to make a child suffer because that's what will happen!" I picked up my bag and walked out of the room with Hanifa trailing behind.

"Nawa for you o" she muttered.

We ate cheese croissants and meat pies with tea. We left in Hanifa's car to the doctor's place, we sang along to the radio lightening the mood.


"Mrs. Mohammed you are pregnant again congrats! Due to the miscarriage and your condition you must be extra careful if you want to deliver this baby." Mrs. Ahmed, the doctor told me. I froze and kept quiet why did I let this happen.......?

I thought I wanted a baby but do I really? Part of me wanted to jump and shout for joy! I wanted to call Hussain and give him the good news but reality hit me like a slap on the face. Would he even welcome this baby with open arms? What if something happened again?

"You are 3 months pregnant and your noticing this late you will need to come for check ups once a week for the next 3 months every Wednesday lets say?" I could only nod and Hanifa kept rubbing my shoulder in a comforting manner.

Hussain should be here! Rubbing my shoulder and holding my hands. But he wasn't.

I whispered a quiet "thank you" collecting the envelope and I quietly walked out. This is too shocking. My biggest fear now is that I'm going to go through so much pain with my baby, and Hussain may not give a damn. I mean his mother does not care about me that's for sure and he'll be too busy with his new wife.

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