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I was walking up and down frantically. I'm so scared right now. Our mother's and sisters are here with us, Jabbar and IB were also here. When we first came the doctor also freaked out not understanding at first and Due to that her mum is crying.

"Congratulations Mr. Mohammed and family your wife is 2 months pregnant" The doctor announced with a smile on his face and I sighed in relief. A bunch of thanks and Alhamdulillahs were heard around the room.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"you can go in at least 3 at time for only 15 minutes except the person staying with her" the doctor replied.

"Binta and Hafsa will stay Hussain don't argue with me"Ammah said.

"Okay Ammah"I replied slumping my shoulders.

I went in and saw her staring at the drugs they gave her. I smiled at her cute angry face, Binta and Hafsa went to get her food.

"Hey baby girl"I said holding her hands.

"Hussain I hate this place when will I get to go home" She just burst into tears and I started laughing.

"Won't you say hello to me?" I asked and she put her head down embarrassed " sorry you'll be discharged tomorrow kinji" I said kissing her knuckles.

"Ok sorry my hormones are already all over the place I guess and I hate hospitals"

"Its okay You really scared me though"

"I'm sorry"

"I don't want to loose you"

"You won't InshaAllah. Are you going to stay with me?"

"No Ammah refused Hafsa and Binta will though"

"Oh ok no problem. Go and sleep a bit and remember to wake up fajr and don't skip breakfast and I'll be fine and so will the baby"

"Okay I will" the girls came in so I was going to leave which made me sad. I was so worried what if something happens again and I'm not there? I mean she's in a hospital but still.

"Bye take care of yourself I love you" I said kissing her lips.

"Love you too. See you tomorrow" I bade the girls goodbye.

"Make sure you don't disturb my wife and take good care of her if not we will fight" I playfully warned.

"Chekpai sannu meh mata your wish is our command sir" Binta scoffed and we all laughed as I left. Rude ass.


I came during my lunch break to the hospital. My wife was going to be discharged now, I just had a few papers to sign. We spoke on the phone yesterday night for an hour before she started feeling sleepy and she called when she woke up this morning. I went in and she was whining and shaking her head. Such a baby. Only the girls and my mom were in the room.

"Who is disturbing my darling wife eh?" I asked folding my arms.

"She has refused to eat" Ammah complained.

"Sannu na only you wey get darling wife" Binta scoffed and Ammah glared at her. What's her problem God!!

"Er bakin ciki" Ammah hissed at her and knocked her head making me grin widely.

"Hafsa give me the rice" she gave me and I sat beside Ayeesha.

"Here open your mouth please" I smiled. She shook her head and I begged her again then she agreed. I fed her and she finished everything.

"Oh so is only your husband that can make you eat sannu husband and wife baku da kunya" Ammah joked and hissed. I laughed while Ayeesha muttered sorry putting her head down.

"But Ammah ay sai godiya that they understand and love eachother." Binta said looking at us. Weirdo!

"Ah ah iyeeh Binta ashe kina da way?...but your right (so you have sense?)" Ammah asked sarcastically, the Apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Toh enough magana(talk) lets go she's been discharged" I said helping her off the bed.

We took all our belongings and went out. We were going to drop Hafsa at home, so she came with us. We bade each other goodbye and Ammah promised to call all everyday to check up on us.


"Are you hungry" I asked sitting next to her on the kitchen island.

"I thought you'd never ask I want 5 waffles with 4 scoops of ice cream and a chocolate drizzle and whipped cream and strawberries or blueberries with malteserrrrrrs" She jumped of the table and twirled. I burst out laughing.

"You are not serious sounds delicious though but you have to help" I said.

"Of course you think I'm going to leave you in my kitchen alone" today was the cooks off day.

"Heyyyy I'm a great cook and you know it and also a neat freak just like you"

"I know" she kissed my cheek and went to get the ingredients. We played music as we made our delicious evening snack.

"Soco soco soco soco baby o"

"... go bless you with money o baby o star boy go bless you with money oo"

"Dancing in the dark were listening to our favorite song"

We sang totally off key but moments like this were what I lived for! Who wouldn't want to be in their beautiful kitchen at night dancing and singing loudly with the love of their life?!!


Wayyo Allah soyyaaayyyaaa!!😩
May God bless all of us with love like this!!
Hehe... you know what to do!!

Much love 💗

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