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Dedicated to AdnanKay and fandidi

I've been home for 2 weeks now and tomorrow I'm going off to London. Aunty Sumaya usually called me once every week or more she's my mom's sister. Now that I'm coming we speak almost everyday. She stays with her husband and daughter Aaliyah, who is 2 years older than me. They have 3 dogs and a tiger. Her Husband, uncle Abbas is extremely loaded and has always loved tigers so he went and bought one. The dogs are named; Bubbles, Bruno, and Bolt, while the tiger is called Beast. All the names begin with B for some odd reason.

"Ayeesha" Mama yelled from downstairs.

"Na'am Mama Ina zuwa (yes mama I'm coming)" I shouted back getting up to carry my headscarf and wear my slippers.

"Mama gani nan (see me here)" I told her as I saw her in the parlour.

"Toh are you done packing?" She asked me.

"Yes Mama"

"So what were you doing inside" she asked.

After I finished talking to mama I got dressed and called Hanifa so we could go out together.


I was at capital hub getting a few cards and teddy bears from a shop, when Fati called. So I had to go all the way to the house to pack my kaya.

"Now where do you want to Go?" Hanifa asked after we picked up the clothes.

"To Mozinis I'm hungry and I need my Nigerian food" I said rubbing my stomach.

"No problem but ita Aunty sumaya inki she doesn't eat naija food ne"

"She does occasionally but not much abeg wanan bai taso ba I just want to eat at Mozinis please now"

"Ehn aunty I heard were on our way there"

When we got there I ordered pounded yam with vegetable soup. While Hanifa was eating rice, as we were waiting for food we were just talking.

"So your going to go and leave me" Hanifa started.

"I know and I hate that" I was on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry I'll visit you a lot I promise how long will you be gone though"

"We said 2 years or more and in these 2 years I can only come back to Nigeria if someone dies God forbid"

"Wow 2 years is like a lifetime baby and what about Hussain"

"What about him? I still love my husband and while I'm in the UK I'm not going to marry again trust me. But after what he did to me I just want to shut him out of my life for a while." I sighed deeply and rubbed my forehead.

"That's fine I want to kill him the space will do him good too to reflect on his life"

"Hanifah when are you going to settle? Give any of this boys a chance have a life that revolves around you and the love of your life not me. I mean appreciate and everything but I want you to be happier"

"Soon Ayeesha soon I've been thinking about it"

After we ate we went to shoprite and many other places before finally going home. I took a lot of pictures today because today is my last day in Nigeria for a long while.

Mama told me that Hafsa has some 1 year course in the UK so we'll be together for a while.

It was now 11pm and I heard a knock at my door. "Come in" I said loud enough for the person to here.

"Asalamu alaykum" It was mama.

"Amin wa alaykum salam" I replied moving from where I was laying a bit to the side so mama could sit.

"How are you habibti" she asked rubbing my lap.

"I'm good Alhamdulillah mom what about you"

"Alhamdulillah I'm really going to miss you Ayeesha and I trust you'll be a good girl"

"Yes InshaAllah mama everything will be good"

"We'll talk at least everyday ok and I'm really sad that I'm going to miss my grand babies birth so send me lots of pictures. When your sure your relaxed and better ki nema aiki (find a job) find a good school for your child and just live your life. Hussain is still your husband but you need to put him at the back of your head for now and try to breathe for a while. Don't forget about him my daughter because you will eventually face him one day. Don't forget to pray no matter how hard things get just pray"

"What if my child asks for their father? What will I say mama?"

"Tell them that he's not around now but they'll soon see him. Tell that about him say good things about him"

"Ok mama" I sighed and laid my head on her lap.

"I'm really sorry you have to go through all this" she was crying now.

"Please mama it's okay stop cry Allah has a plan kin ji Kar ki ji komi he'll work it out I promise."

"Amin yarinya na (amen my daughter)"

We talked a bit more, laughing here and there before she went to bed. I slept for 3 hours and woke up, I prayed fajr then I had my bath. I wore a long blue Abaya and my sliver slippers and sliver headscarf. I went downstairs and I had pancakes and tea which mama made for me.

After I told everyone goodbye, I was off to the airport with IB, Hanifa, and Nana.

"Bye love I'm going to miss you" I Said hugging Hanifa and she cried making me cry too.

"Haba yanmata ku dena kuka (haba girls stop crying)" Nana said chuckling.

"Dama all these girls all they know how to do is cry" IB hissed making all of us laugh.

I hugged nana and IB before I had to go and they left also. Once every five minutes through the my flight a tear escaped my eyes. My heart was heavy and I was sad.

I'm just happy that my child will be given birth to abroad where the doctors are more experienced and equipped to handle it. I prayed for a safe delivery if this baby was still or one of us lost our lives it would be the end of me. I won't be able to handle it. If I died who would take care of my baby? Would they send him to Hussain and Fati? The thought of that scared me immensely.


"Welcome to Surrey Baby girl" Aunty Sumaya said as we arrived her house.

I'm so sorry for making y'all wait so long for a new chapter.

My summer break will soon end oh so I will try to update at least 5 chapters before that Wednesday!

I know this chapter is a big draggy but please bear with me.💖


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