Ch.20| Party

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Its two hours to this barbecue and I'm not dressed, I more or less look like a kitchen rag, Hussain went to the masjid for fajr. Since then he hasn't come back I haven't even told him happy birthday to his face. Of course around 12 I did my posting and shii but the old man was fast asleep.

Everything outside was now set up, just waiting on Dj and photographer.

My phone beeped indicating a text, It was from Hussain. Oh my dear husband finally remebered me.

●Hey Barbie. I'll get dressed first outifit before our t-shirts at Tahirs house. I'll come like 30mins after starting time. Love you❤

○ok birthday boy see ya.

"30 minutes after, Hussain are you crazy??? You want to make a grand entrance abi? You didn't even text me or call to say where you were!! I'm even surprised you know what time it starts."

That was what I wanted to say but for obvious reason I didn't. I don't really mind anyway it will be a shock to him to see the place and everyone here. He left all the planning to me and I didn't tell him about anything I did, as far as I remember he didn't come out to backyard. Wait, what if he did this morning?

After we finished with our whole kitchen fiasco. We set the food outside, while the ushers were setting up. The cook and helpers were cleaning the kitchen, I and the girls went to get dressed.

Hadiza, Hanifa and Fatima came early to just hang with me. Hadiza did my face beat and I looked amazing. I wore my white skinny jeans, new baby pink top, baby pink wedges and used a silver turban. Pretty!

"Is it your birthday? you'll be outshining our husband fah. You gotta know your place girl" Hadiza said in a sassy tone.

"Stop getting all up in my grill though and he's my husband fah not ours" I replied just as sassy, we burst out laughing. In our little friendship circle we all call each others husbands "our" husband.

"You two will never stop" Hanifa laughed shaking her head.

"Finally you came I was getting worried fah" I told the photographer as he met me by the stairs taking me pictures.

"Haba Aunty kin san ( you know) I won't let you down. And you look nice!" he complimented.

"Ko Na Gode (Thank you)" I smiled walking out to the garden. A lot of people were already here, no african time, and no one unfamiliar from those invited.

What if Layla decides to show up or even worse Yesmine? I will not hesitate to kick them out!

"Hanifa imagine Layla just appears here?" I voiced out my thought.

"Kuttt bata da kunya ne? Let her come now zamu chi uban shegiya!" She hissed and I laughed and walked away.

Hanifa was a bully! And she was always ready to stand up for me and put people in their place! If not because we're in Nigeria I'm sure she'd have a criminal record by now!

I greeted everyone with smiles and they all kept asking for the "birthday boy."

Suddenly I heard claps as I was talking to the dj, Alhamdullilah he has decided to grace us with his presence. I smiled and threw a your in trouble face at him. I gave Aunty her popcorn and went to find my husband as he had disappeared already. When I entered the house about to go upstairs, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me far into the halls away from everyone. I didn't even notice who it was till I said "kai Mai haka."

"Hey baby girl" Hussain smiled widely at me. I shook my head smiling.

"Your not ok" I laughed then I punched his arm. "Ouch what was that for" he asked rubbing his arm.

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